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isthatwhathappened t1_ja7l3xu wrote

What an absolutely terrible headline…”Women killed after shooting at police” would be much more accurate.


myhouseisabanana t1_ja7ugf8 wrote

It’s an attempt at ginning people up who are too lazy to read the article. And it works.


ballsonthewall t1_ja7v9jq wrote

you basically have to assume every local news story is designed to generate the most clicks possible


burritoace t1_ja8narh wrote

It's mostly an attempt to avoid describing exactly who killed who


enemy_of_your_enema t1_ja8alyl wrote

Maybe because the police and an anonymous friend of a bystander are the only sources for the "she shot first" claim, and police sometimes lie after shootings, so they didn't want to present an unconfirmed statement as fact?


unforgiven91 t1_ja8cb9v wrote

"sometimes" is being generous. Remember the initial uvalde reports? Or the initial reports on the Tyre murder?

cops lie ALL THE TIME


isthatwhathappened t1_ja8kifj wrote

Yeah, so let’s use the headline to imply the police shot first with absolutely no evidence of that whatsoever…riiiight.


EvetsYenoham t1_jaam7ym wrote

Police can absolutely fire first if a fatal threat is perceived. Now, whether it was warranted or not, who knows…


[deleted] t1_ja7w0mg wrote



SirPsychoSquints t1_ja809ka wrote

Officer involved shooting usually means an officer shot someone. Which I think is the opposite of what you’re saying?