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confusedhealthcare19 t1_jae9mza wrote

Can you post another link to the form? It appears broken on mobile.

I live next to an Airbnb. It is truly the worst neighbor experience I've ever had. You never know what kind of person/group you'll get. Despite having a lot on the back side of the house, the owners tell renters to park on the street in the front (parallel parking). Needless to say, many of these people do not park courteously and take up much needed space. They are quite noisy and on several occasions we have had issues with the guy managing the property (not the owner) improperly disposing of garbage.

The noise is something I expect living in the city. But not knowing who my new neighbor might be every weekend is not a fun experience.


kellytop412 t1_jaehiiy wrote

Same!! The noise is worse because everyone staying there is on vacation so they don't give af that isn't a Tuesday. They're smoking a blunt on the porch and laughing until 4 am. And the parking...I've given up. I call the cops and have them ticketed and towed. The police are 100% on your side as soon as you mention it's an Airbnb


unenlightenedgoblin OP t1_jaekc3a wrote

Sorry about mobile, I think it may have to do with the question format. Most of the questions are 'grid' style where the same responses are presented for a series of related questions. I can see how this would be difficult to show on mobile. The alternative would have required participants to answer many more individual questions so I erred on the side of keeping the survey as short as possible (which seems to have screwed over mobile users)