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TremorChristPJ OP t1_j7wq3fc wrote

Does anybody remember this bread? Im sure someone's mother made their son or daughter wear this very bag on their foot during the winter. Kept your foot dry in the boot and makes for an easy way to slip your foot in and out of said boot.


NAS2811 t1_j7wwoor wrote

100% the first thing I thought of.


heili t1_j7z23du wrote

We used them for that in our moon boots and we took the empty bags fishing to put our trout in.


tesla3by3 t1_j7wyokj wrote

Fun Fact: For a number of years, Town Talk and Wonder Bread were the exact same bread, produced at the same factory, with the same recipe, with just a different wrapper. The Town Talk brand was too iconic in Pittsburgh to retire, so they continued to label it Town Talk in the Pittsburgh Market and Wonder Bread elsewhere.

At one point they had some sort of combined branding IIRC. Something like "Wonder Bread by TownTalk".


Unethical_GOP t1_j7wwlnm wrote

If I remember correctly, 5 wrappers got ya into a pirate game for free.


FunyunInspector t1_j7zzpg9 wrote

That brings back memories. A bunch of us kids saving up bread wrappers and taking a bus to the game. Made you feel like a grownup. lol


DoctorCAD t1_j7wqmxn wrote

Who here went on a class field trip to the Town Talk factory?

I did.


a_waltz_for_debby t1_j7wwxje wrote

Bread of my childhood, right here. Protect this bag at all costs. Frame it. Donate it to the history museum so that future generations can appreciate the Yinzer bread days of yore.


Whiplash_666 t1_j7xh6lb wrote

Anyone else have to wear these in the winter as some sort of waterproofing when you’re playing in the snow?


tesla3by3 t1_j7zs031 wrote

Wow I’m old. I remember going to the store for my mom. It was always Drakes bread, because it was 32 cents. Town Talk was 35 cents. The three cents made a difference. Confession: sometimes I bought Town Talk, because they were … ahem..”out of “ Drakes.


Eubadom t1_j7wyyy3 wrote

The date on that bag says 2011 but i swear they stopped making it in the mid 00s.


the1999person t1_j7wrnuk wrote

Wow I forgot about this bread long ago..


lhurker t1_j7yitun wrote

Taahhhhn Tok


XavierRex83 t1_j7xndv0 wrote

That really brings back memories.


GargantuanWitch t1_j7zeiw3 wrote

I remember crafting a waterproof sleeve out of these bags for the summer that I had a broken arm. Used it whenever I took a shower. Totally looked like a clown arm but it worked and I'd eat that bread again right now if someone gave me a loaf.


Zealousideal-Ad-2546 t1_j7xaf2g wrote

Yeah, it was a staple with black and white raisin bran. Brand name


DabsDoctor t1_j7zbvn1 wrote

You spelled "Tahn Tawk" incorrectly.


Pennsylvasia t1_j7zhkh2 wrote

Yinz remember they used to come with He-Man trading cards in the 80s?

I think they also had Steelers cards for a while---I still have a few---unless I am mistaking them with another giveaway.


NSlocal t1_j801851 wrote

I remember the sports cards and others. He Man I can't recall but I may have just stopped raiding the bread for the trading cards haha


Xwindshe t1_j866ebo wrote

Explains my love of yellow & orange.


aboutsider t1_j83lnv7 wrote

I can almost feel this picture sticking to my teeth.