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pburgh2517 t1_j8jou4b wrote

12+ days. That is how long it took for me to finally not need to blow my nose nonstop all day after having the same thing. Started like a light cold, then moved into sinus infection for like 10 days. Just finally giving up and having some drinks during the Super Bowl seems to have knocked it out of me.


WhenRobLoweRobsLowes t1_j8jq3fs wrote

I'm on day 7 today, feeling like I need to blow my nose (nothing left in there, though) and phlegm-y in my throat. Blech.


moonwish22 t1_j8jqo94 wrote

Same here! Light cold at first turned into this crud. At 2 weeks, I went to the doctor because I developed a cough. Doc said my entire left sinus and half of my right were occluded with infection. I’m now on antibiotics, which have helped immensely! My husband made it 2.5 weeks, got better and then got worse suddenly so he’s also on antibiotics now.


pburgh2517 t1_j8jtyhe wrote

I've heard of so many folks with this exact same thing...granted it's anecdotal, but interesting how prevalent it is and how exact the symptoms seem to be.


moonwish22 t1_j8kd7z8 wrote

It is! The doc I went to said that this stuff is all that they’re seeing right now. I figure that if they’re noticing the trend, then it’s definitely pretty prevalent.