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PorkyWallace t1_jaebkw2 wrote

You obviously don't have experience with juries of your peers. The vast majority are of lower income (and usually lower intelligence). It makes them feel important to give away money that is not theirs. They almost always sympathize with anyone who is suing a corporation of someone else with deep pockets. You can only exclude/strike so many jurors from a trial. A majority of those on a jury like this will be people with an axe to grind and who have nothing better to do (ie. retired, not working, etc).

They see no problem with handing out ridiculous jury awards to people.

When ambulance chasers want to certify a class action, they engage in something called Docket Shopping. They find one "victim" in some bumf--k West Virginia county and file the suit on that person's behalf in that county. All other "victims" nationwide are then added to that class, which will go to trial in that county.

Naturally, those with deep pockets will settle, as some county juries routinely award $100 million here, $300 million there.


dlppgh t1_jaeqr11 wrote

lol, sure


PorkyWallace t1_jaf37po wrote

LOL, I guess the Supreme Court is going to make you have to pay back your student loans, huh?