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Restless_Andromeda t1_ja4awva wrote

I actually switched doctor's from her to someone in AHN because I could not get an appointment. I called about 4-5 weeks before I would need to be seen back in Oct and was told I couldn't be seen until December. I called around over the following week to see if other doctors at UPMC would be able to get me in earlier, which was a no because none would see another doctor's patient, then called back.

Apparently within that week the earliest appointment went from Dec to March. I would have long run out of my medication by then and they wouldn't refill it without an appointment and the yearly bloodwork. The receptionist who was "helping" me basically shamed me for calling and trying to set up an appointment too late. A month before it would be need was too late! According to her you have to call 8-10 weeks in advance and it was wrong of me to expect otherwise. At that point I was over it and switched entirely.