Submitted by CommaSplyce t3_11c1d3f in pittsburgh

I know fish frys and paczi are the go-tos in this this thread, but for me, Lent/Easter means Cadbury Creme Eggs. But last year - and apparently this year - Giant Eagle doesn't seem to be stocking them. They have a display unit of the Cadbury caramel eggs and a unit of the mini Cadbury eggs in the little carton at the Brentwood Giant Eagle, but no full-sized Cadbury Creme eggs, and no Cadbury Mini Eggs. What's Giant Eagle got against Cadbury products?? (I can get them elsewhere, I know, and I will, but I'm curious as to why they're not at Giant Eagle anymore.)



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Jazzlike_Breadfruit9 t1_ja12dkn wrote

Probably because giant eagle wanted to charge $4 for one egg.


CommaSplyce OP t1_ja1hsy8 wrote

I was pleasantly surprised to get 18 regular eggs for $5.19 today. What have I become?


tesla3by3 t1_ja1n06y wrote

Giant Eagle has a secret agreement with Resses. Just like they do with Wegmans. My brother in law knows a guy whose next door neighbor's cousin used to deliver Towntalk to 5 GynIggle's and they confirmed it's true on a Facebook post.


newtypezaku t1_ja15xe8 wrote

LOL yet another reason to find an alternative grocery store


mikeyHustle t1_ja1mzk1 wrote

Do you still like the flavor? They haven't tasted the same to me for like a decade.


CommaSplyce OP t1_ja1ncxj wrote

I had to give up eating them for a little while because I'm celiac the recipe they used wasn't gluten-free. But they changed it to a gluten-free recipe probably about the time you started noticing they tasted different, but hey, it meant that I could eat them again!


Roya1Je11y t1_ja26efv wrote

I noticed the same exact thing at giant eagle in edgewood. They had the big caramel eggs, and the regular mini ones but no big regular ones.


imbushyy t1_ja16u2m wrote

If your GE has a GetGo, they should have them


arguchik t1_ja1rxxq wrote

I saw them in six-packs at the Market District GE.


arguchik t1_ja1s5hf wrote

At least I think they were six packs…it might have been 3 or 4. I didn’t buy them, I just saw them.


heywhadayamean t1_ja328ou wrote

Sorry, going to have to flag your comment for miseggformation.


CharleyPDXcellent t1_ja1gc1g wrote

Is it too early maybe?


CommaSplyce OP t1_ja1hnyy wrote

No, they definitely have a very robust Easter display out. And a ridiculous amount of Reese's Eggs.


CharleyPDXcellent t1_ja1hwkq wrote

Is it some weird supply chain thing? Or do other stores have them already and this is definitely a giant eagle being weird thing?


Zevonn022 t1_ja1prcw wrote

Hahaha this sums up the Reddit generation, unable to figure anything.
