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S4ltyInt3ractions t1_j9ii83s wrote

They added 1% to sales tax we will pay in perpetuity


tesla3by3 t1_j9imwhl wrote

The vast majority of the 1% goes to things like libraries, parks, museums. Fully half of it goes directly to the county and municipalities for their general fund.

I think it’s like ten percent goes to the 3 sports facilities and the Convention Center debt service. Still too much though.


AnewENTity t1_j9lgux4 wrote

Not really a reply to your comment but I just don’t believe anything they say anymore on where these taxes go


tesla3by3 t1_j9lkec7 wrote

You can find the budgets for almost all of the funded organizations online. You’ll see a line item for “RAD Grant “or something similar.
If RAD was falsely claiming to give a grant, and the institution never received it, they’d certainly be complaining.

Also, there’s multiple levels of outside auditing. Both RAD and most of the recipients have annual financial audits, as well as audits to show that the money was used for the intended purpose.