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GargantuanWitch t1_j9g982n wrote

>but what ever is in her best interest.

If the cat is hiding in the attic, this is your first indication that the cat is feral and doesn't want to be in the house. Given they're already 10 years old, and have been living outdoors (presumably) all this time, it's likely terrified. Let it out already. You're not doing it a favor by keeping it indoors.


412beekeeper OP t1_j9ga99u wrote

She doesn't hide in the attic that is just her safe place and were she sleeps. she also hangs out on the second floor were we feed her away from the other cat. And she has ventured down to the living room to hangout for a couple of hours.


CARLEtheCamry t1_j9ghcrp wrote

Do you keep a litter box in the attic?

We had an issue with my cat, when my wife moved in and brought her 3 cats, and spraying. It was a territory thing, a literal pissing contest, my cat was not pleased. Solution ended up being more litter boxes in more locations (we used to just have one, in the basement that my cat used. We got more and put them on the 1st and second floor).


aboutsider t1_j9jmbyi wrote

I haven't found that this is necessarily true. I adopted a kitty that had been living with a feral colony. The first few weeks we never even saw her but when she realized it was safe, she would come out. She still hid out at night for months. Almost six years on and she's a total lap cat! She sleeps with us, she follows me around the house like a little shadow, she even sleeps with and plays with her cat roommate. Every once in a while, she'll still hide out somewhere for several hours. And, when I find her, she doesn't display any fear. She doesn't avoid my touch, growl, or hiss. She purrs and leans into my pets. It seems like she's just found a quiet, private place for a snooze. I think some kitties who've had a hard life outside just get used to sleeping somewhere private and safe. Jumping to the conclusion that she should be tossed back outside seems rash.