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leadfoot9 t1_j96zs11 wrote

I wouldn't worry too much about what's happening in Ohio when you live next to Neville Island.


skfoto t1_j96y96k wrote


This has been asked at least 30 times or more in the past couple weeks and there is a megathread about it pinned to the top of the subreddit.

The pollution from the East Palestine train wreck is not going to affect Pittsburgh.


HomicidalHushPuppy t1_j9758do wrote

>there is a megathread

As much as I hate seeing all these posts, in their defense, depending on how you sort posts, the megathread doesn't show. I sort by "new" and have never seen it. They should add an automod reply to new posts about it.


Ryan1006 t1_j98opay wrote

I don’t see it either. If we are going to have a mega thread for this, it needs to be visible.


TheJon210 t1_j98nj6l wrote

Alright I'll break this down the best I can as a non-expert. The burn was on 2/6. The pollution that it put in the air has come and went. Sounds like areas to the north east of us had some acid rain as a result, though I don't know how much of that is confirmed. Acid rain isn't good but it's common for our area.

The biggest concern right now is for the soil close to EP and the water. The Issues with the water are that the contaminants can make their way into the aquifer and drain into waterways. Apparently chemicals can stay in an aquifer for a long time and can contaminate well water. That's why it's so important that people in that area get their water tested, and might need to for a while. The contaminants that are draining into waterways will make their way into the Ohio river which is taking it away from Pittsburgh toward the Mississippi. Communities down river from EP that source their water from the Ohio river will need to monitor the levels to ensure the water is safe. So far though the contaminants seem to be diluted to safe levels. Either way, Pittsburgh isn't affected.

Again, not an expert. Just someone following the news closely.


ImplementBrief3802 t1_j971kr9 wrote

Have you tried checking with the PADEP, EPA,Ohio EPA, ACHD? A simple Google search will link you to them, as well literally thousands of news articles that could answer any and all questions you may have.


Rich_Firefighter_269 t1_j96wome wrote

The vocs in those train cars break down into harmless compounds in a matter of days.


littlerossybaby t1_j97a96o wrote

What? you guys dont wear respirators n tyvek suits on the daily?


[deleted] OP t1_j97ap0g wrote



oneTnoH t1_j973c8n wrote

Pitsburg is one of the most polluted cities in the country. You basically live in springfield from the simpsons and just now care about pollution


SouthHillsPeeper t1_j9751s4 wrote

♫ it’s not the mayor’s fault / that the Fern Hollow Bridge collapsed ♫
