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timesuck t1_ja95kh0 wrote

Oh Mr. We Need More Cops Because The City Has A Lot Of Hills?

No thanks.


pburgh2517 t1_ja97fyt wrote

As long as he is not my councilman anymore I’m all for it. He has accomplished nothing. He campaigned on “painting over graffiti” himself if he has to in order to get back to basics, yet nothing has changed since he took office.


IOnlyLurk t1_ja9dgyp wrote

He promised to replace the shitty water fountain at Alton playground in Beechview like 4 years and still hasn't gotten around to doing it.


PoorlyAgedSpecialFX t1_ja9kiaf wrote

When he was running he said he would take care of the graffiti "day one"

If any politician ever claims they'll do something on day one then you can just ignore anything else they say because that's just bullshit grandiose speak beyond normal campaign rhetoric.


K8771 t1_jacs1s8 wrote

Do you feel that the topography of the city is not a factor when you consider the speed in which it takes to get from one end to the other? If I need any sort of emergency service in the south, I don’t waiting on a car coming from Shadyside


timesuck t1_jacvlbs wrote

You’re in luck because you won’t have to wait (at least due to the topography). The hills might be an issue if we only had 20 cops for the whole city, but boy, do we have a lot more than that!

We have so many cops for a city our size. To give some context, we have about 30 police officers per 10,000 residents. Other cities around our size: Indianapolis has 18, El Paso 14, Nashville 20. We spend $1 out of every $5 in the city budget juston the police.

We have plenty of police officers and they’re spread out throughout the city, which would still be the case even if we hired fewer of them, gave them less fancy military gear, and held them accountable.

So, yes, it was a very dumb thing to say.


K8771 t1_jacx23x wrote

You may think it’s irrelevant given the stats, but your comment dumbed down the idea of topography to “we have hills”. If you don’t agree that we need more cops then fair enough, but the idea that Pittsburgh is a very geographically divided city is not ridiculous


timesuck t1_jad2efs wrote

No, Coghill dumbed down topography to “we have hills”. And no one is arguing that the idea the city is hilly alone is ridiculous, but it was a ridiculous thing to say in the context of that conversation. Especially because the only thing council was seriously considering at the time was diverting a measly $5 million out of the police budget and zero officer cuts.

I think it’s pretty easy to understand that even if we cut our police force by half, you still wouldn’t have to have a car from Shadyside respond to calls in the South Hills. So, for Coghill to use the topography of the city during the debate around police funding where we were never in danger of having so few officers the hills would become an issue was a strawman.


MaybeADumbass t1_ja96nob wrote

What's the story on this?


timesuck t1_ja98asf wrote

During the discussions around policing in 2020, he said that Pittsburgh needed a lot of cops because we have so many hills. I can’t find his exact quote right now, but it was so fucking stupid. He also advocated for more police because of the Steelers?????

This City Paper elections guide mentions it though:

“Policing: Has defended need for increased police presence. In December 2020, expressed concern about a vote to divert $5.3 million from the police to fund the new Stop the Violence initiative, reportedly citing local sporting events and the city’s hilly terrain as justifications for more policing.”


MaybeADumbass t1_ja99mny wrote


I'll be honest, like much of City Council, Coghill does not exactly strike me as a thoughtful person. This does not surprise me in the least!


Aggravating_Foot_528 t1_ja9d17p wrote

Our current Allegheny county treasurer was a hairdresser before his current job, so...


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jacpsvt wrote

There's nothing wrong with that as long as they actually do their job. Coghill doesn't seem to do much of anything.


MrDeene t1_jaa2pyn wrote

The only reason for his political existence for years was being the anti-Pete Wagner guy in the 19th Ward. He got his wish in '14 when Pete stepped down rather than being defeated by Coghill (Wagner loyalist Jim Sheppard, former Motznik DCoS and longtime LGBTQ activist/leader, ran in Pete's place and lost).

What happens when the dog catches the bumper? When Coghill defeated Rudiak's CoS Deemer to be her replacement, I wasn't happy but I figured "well, he got what he wanted so let's see what happens?" The long and short is he ended up being Motznik 2.0.


thereandfatagain t1_jaaa14h wrote

Tony Coghill and Guy Junker are the two most fictitious sounding yinzers.


dinoscool3 t1_jaam5c1 wrote

Erica is a great person, I’d be happy to see her trash Coghill. Not sure when the paperwork is needed for the county endorsement paperwork, he might be too late for that.


drmartykrauss OP t1_jaar2ts wrote

he's too late for the county endorsement. and with him announcing this past saturday, he gave himself 11 days to gather 500 good signatures. not am impossible task, but it does put him at a disadvantage (which is to say, at a higher risk of losing his spot on the ballot due to bad signatures)


THEREALDocmaynard t1_jaagpia wrote

I still remember coghill getting a couple of wine glasses deep while listening public comments during the George Floyd protests. Guy can't be bothered to stay sober on a zoom meeting.