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Excelius t1_jaikcw3 wrote

> And your opinion that we do need this facility is based on. . .what analysis exactly?

I've never actually said it was needed. I wanted to know your reasoning for concluding it was wasteful and unnecessary.


timesuck t1_jaioobb wrote

lmao ok, so this is a “I’m just asking questions” situation. Forget it.

I just saw your flare. Maybe you’ve missed most of the news about this over the years because you don’t live in the city?


Zenith2017 t1_jaj53jn wrote

He's obsessed because he's a gun nut so loves cops


Excelius t1_jaiqs31 wrote

What exactly do you think I've missed?

I already know the answer to my question, but I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt and give you a chance to explain your reasoning.

The answer is that any sort of reasoned analysis doesn't exist. It's kneejerk bandwagon activism based on little more than "cops are bad" and the vague similarity to the controversial project in Atlanta. The City Paper article spends more time on the situation in Atlanta than it does reporting anything meaningful about the Pittsburgh project.

I have no idea if the proposal in it's original or current state was a good use of taxpayer resources, and I'm virtually certain neither do you.


timesuck t1_jaivn8l wrote

Explain my reasoning to someone who is ignoring most of what I’m saying and has basically admitted in this last comment they’re debating in bad faith?

Oh boy what a fantastic opportunity how could I pass that up