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Walkedtheredonethat t1_je377ox wrote

That sounds like upside down logic to me, but I came from TX (born and raised in PA but never a homeowner in PA). In TX, my 805 sq. ft. house was going to hit $5000 in property taxes this year. That’s why I left, I was tired of having my blood drained.


paddle_forth t1_je59jdf wrote

The other variable is how often the houses are reassessed. PA doesn't have a mandatory reassessment timeline like other states, so some municipalities will reassess as soon as you buy, others do it randomly. It's a really confusing system and that's why you will see posts in this sub pretty often asking questions about property taxes.


Walkedtheredonethat t1_je8969h wrote

Thanks for your wisdom on the subject, I will try to learn more about my new life here. But I will say, it’s a relief to be home!