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ktxhopem3276 t1_je5g1xw wrote

> Unlike the FTC, the DOJ does have authority over nonprofits, said Makan Delrahim, assistant attorney general for the DOJ's antitrust division.

Also, what is stoping the state from regulating UPMC?


dazzleox t1_je5my93 wrote

DOJ has jurisdiction over a fairly narrow set of issues though, like bribery/FCPA and criminal matters. That's good but it would take the FTC to break up a hospital system or HMO, and that would take an act by congress and/or a better SCOTUS.

The state could pass more regulations regarding hospitals, as long as it's not preempted. But state anti trust law is complicated in that some things would preempted and some would not, but either way, I don't imagine new laws passing a divided state legislature that does very little except at budget time. PA anti trust law is generally aimed at gas station price fixing, resale price maintenance, bid rigging for state contracts -- not at big stuff that the feds handle like corporate mergers.


ktxhopem3276 t1_je5plt1 wrote

How does the FTC decided what is nonprofit and what isn’t? Wouldn’t it use IRS rules instead of the PA law at issue here?