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Budget-Plankton-7096 t1_je6bmwb wrote


WafflePilot1125 t1_je7si7j wrote

I’m not gonna promote his bands, especially here. However, punk stuff. “Noisecore” or wtfe. I listen to punk, I’ve described myself as a punk. But I couldn’t really listen to the stuff he put out. I was really more into stuff like Ska and Folk punk, anyway. But it really was just…noise. Or maybe I’m just a lot older than my 33 years. 😅


misathemeb t1_jebw055 wrote

Not sure why you got downvoted, but I also agree and could have posted at least 3 bands here. If OP wants to know bad enough, it’s a pretty lazy Google.


WafflePilot1125 t1_jec7tud wrote

Thanks, but fwiw, I don’t see any downvotes in my notifications or here. Although I’m very new to Reddit still so I could be missing something. It is a very lazy google, though. Regardless, this is certainly not the thread to be making those bands more infamous than they already will be. There is a certain…sector of punk that takes this sort of nihilistic shitbag and idolizes the fuck out of them. That’s how we got here in the first place. Through some almost ritualistic idolization of people like GG Allin.