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CL-MotoTech t1_jec03as wrote

Reply to comment by alexnag26 in Radioshack Alternative? by alexnag26

I say that as somebody that buys a decent amount of electronics. I have home converted CNC milling machine and I needed all sorts of cable, plugs, switches (of many varieties), solder, etc.. I gave up with the local stuff. I was a Radioshack buyer until the day it died, but even then it was pretty pathetic. Sources like Digikey, McMaster, even eBay were well out pacing it by the end. Add in Amazon now (the last decade), Radioshack never stood a chance. BestBuy is a joke in comparison to Radioshack for actual electronics, online is the only way to go now.


Enough-Pickle-8542 t1_jeftl2t wrote

I use eBay for all my CNC stuff, but have not found a good place to get “controller boxes” good for din rail mounting, any suggestions?