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GargantuanWitch t1_jdw1kbr wrote

>When it comes to reliability though Comcast runs circles around the electrical grid in the area. Had short power outages nearly monthly, occasional longer ones where even the traffic lights would go down - but if you had your network on battery backup the internet worked just fine the entire time.

The electrical grid has nothing to do with internet traffic being transmitted over coax to your house, other than your devices needing electricity to function, but I guess if you needed to give Comcast a bonus point for "not being as shitty as the electrical grid" then I suppose this counts.


Melikoth t1_jdy3uqp wrote

Yeah, that was basically it. Comcast had higher service availability than Duquesne Light for their respective products and since both are typically used together I gave Comcast the bonus.

I suppose awarding them a bonus based on a comparison to a different class of product is unfair. The below list is restricted to residential ISP services I have used ranked in order of preference:

  1. Verizon FiOS - 300/300Mbps
  2. Comcast Xfinity - 10/100 Mbps

Xfinity is showing gigabit options in the Pittsburgh area now, so it appears they've upgraded their network since I last pondered their offer page.