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StreetPedaler t1_jdxd3eb wrote

My first apartment building let us choose, but they were already wired for both. What was interesting about the fios was that the fibre came into the basement, and from there, it went to each apartment’s individual ONT.

I bring that up to to point out for others that there could be additional logistics involved here. Imagine even more wires than we have now stringing from poles to individual units. What about the less accessible sides of the buildings, etc… So I can see how for certain multi-family dwellings, they would need to set aside a whole spot and have some major utility work done to accomplish sending a new fibre connection to a building. Even more work if stuff needs to run underground. If it’s an old building, even worse. What if they need to route cables through someone else’s apartment just to get to yours, etc? The coax lines have been there for ages though, so sometimes you get what you get. They can bend around corners of buildings all kinds of ways without the kind of degradation in quality you would have on fibre.