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S4ltyInt3ractions t1_jecuj1r wrote

Sonny's in Bloomfield


bugogkang t1_jecvb5u wrote

Sonny's 10 years ago was shitty but great. Now it's just shitty.


Illustrious-Fold253 t1_jed0def wrote

As someone who went to Sonny’s too often ten years ago, and haven’t been there since… this is heartbreaking to hear.


TheFoolsDayShow t1_jeegltm wrote

Yup. Paul was always a shit head but after that video got posted of him on Reddit going on a homophobic rant at a bicyclist and trying to attack him I committed to never putting another dollar in his pocket.


sweaty_bobandy t1_jed3hr3 wrote

Ever since they banned smoking inside it just smells like a bathroom now


[deleted] t1_jeeqpdn wrote

Was scrolling for this. Most disgusting bar owner I’ve ever seen. No idea if he’s still alive, frankly I’d be shocked it sounded like he was on deaths door ten years ago.


Alexispinpgh t1_jef96v4 wrote

After Prince died I ended up there on a night that was just a tribute to him, just a DJ spinning Prince and related acts all night and themed drinks, and it was amazing. Also as an ex-smoker I liked having a place to go that still allowed smoking. But we haven’t been there since like 2016, and never will go again. So I’ll just have that one fond memory.