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Aggravating_Foot_528 OP t1_jdw04nm wrote

The issue is, I'm guessing, is that the boat doesn't impede boat traffic so if isn't their problem. If it floated into the middle of the river it would be their problem. But the boat has been untied for weeks and hasn't moved anywhere and somebody else on another thread said that most likely the propeller is stuck in the bottom and nothing will move it.


motociclista t1_jdxcw4j wrote

That’s part of the issue. The bigger issue is the cost to remove it. Bringing in equipment to lift and haul that boat out will be wicked expensive. I bet $10k it more. Then it needs to be hauled somewhere to be stored. It can’t be scrapped until the paperwork is done. Storage is another cost. Then it will need striped down and made safe to send to a landfill. This is all going to cost a bundle. So here’s the thing: Let’s say you own a towing and recovery company. And the state says “get the boat out of there.” If they don’t pay you up front, your company is on the hook for all that cost. If the owner won’t pay, then you’re stuck with that bill. Sure, they can go after the owner, but if he could or would pay, the boat would already be gone. They can try to force him but that’s going to take a while. And if they win a judgment for the money, the owner of the boat can still skip out on the bill. No recovery company will be willing to touch that until they have cash in hand. And no one wants to lay out the cash.


Knightpnthr t1_jdyaj6b wrote

How shallow is the river, right there?


Aggravating_Foot_528 OP t1_jdybix8 wrote

I asked that in another thread and someone said it is not that deep and the engine/prop sticks down far enough that that plus the 5-6 feet the stern is in the water is enough to ground the boat in that area. Just a bit further down you can see where the riverwalk slopes into the river.