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Optimal_Spend779 t1_jdvdqyt wrote

So things that aren’t groceries, you just don’t buy? Let’s say you needed Drano, where are you going? Aldi doesn’t sell it.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jdvdygs wrote

Costco. Walmart sells garbage and anyone with options doesn't step foot in Walmart.


Optimal_Spend779 t1_jdveqrq wrote

Wow you need to get outside and off of Reddit more, my dude. I don’t have a Costco. I used to live by one, now I live in an area with a lot less options because I was priced out of where I was living, that’s capitalism for ya. I’m trying to make ends meet as best as I can with the options I have because when I need Drano, I can’t make it appear from thin air or get it from some local artisan. “Anyone with options” - do you even hear the classism in your tone there or are you totally clueless?

Does Costco carry everything? No they definitely don’t. Did Walmart kill your grandma or something? I agree they’re an evil shit corporation, you won’t find me defending them at all but people need to make ends meet and don’t all have the same options as you do. Aldi just had a big recall on some frozen fruit. Are they better overall than Walmart? Sure. Are they perfect? Nah, almost nowhere you spend your money is.

You’re passive aggressively coming at me, I assume, because I mentioned price checking shit at Walmart? Ok. But you need a grip on reality and maybe a touch less militant idealism. Not everyone lives your reality. Go take a deep breath of some fresh air.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jdvexm9 wrote

> Wow you need to get outside and off of Reddit more, my dude.


Costco, definitely a Reddit phenomenon.
> do you even hear the classism in your tone there

I don't particularly care, Walmart is garbage and anyone with options avoids it like the plague.
Aldi will be cheaper for you than Walmart and better in every way that matters.


Optimal_Spend779 t1_jdvfdk0 wrote

Still waiting for Aldi to carry Drano. I live a good 3 hour drive from a Costco. You’re a troll or out of touch with reality or a douchebag or all of the above. Have a wonderful day.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jdvfkqd wrote

I'd assume that anyone posting in the Pittsburgh subreddit lives in or around Pittsburgh and not out in Possum Rib, PA. If you live in one of those benighted places where Walmart destroyed all the competition a long time ago then you have my sympathies.


Optimal_Spend779 t1_jdvfu14 wrote

Ah there’s that classism again! I said in a comment above where I live. Used to live in Pittsburgh, still care about the city a lot and hope to move back one day. Current circumstances don’t allow it. Again, not everyone lives your reality.

Still waiting to hear where else I can safely, in your opinion, buy Drano when my drain is clogged.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jdvg9w1 wrote



Optimal_Spend779 t1_jdvge23 wrote

Do you sleep better at night being a snob? Doubt it. You sound pretty sad. I know the type, escaped a small town and now feels better putting down everyone else still in them because of some weird superiority complex. Know lots of them, definitely a type. Last comment. Get some help.