Submitted by geekpgh t3_1228l0f in pittsburgh

It looks like outages are widespread throughout the region. I’m in the South hills and we’ve been without power since about 5pm.

We’ve got plenty of flash lights, candles, books and board games to keep us occupied.

My main concern is we’re probably going to lose everything in the fridge and maybe the freezer too.

Duquesne Light’s outage update number has no estimate for my area. Just says everyone should have power restored by Monday.

Anyone know any more details?

How’s everyone doing out there?



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Big_League227 t1_jdp9cqi wrote

They can't put linemen up the power poles until gusts drop below 35MPH for safety. Once that happens, they will start working through the outage areas. Larger outage areas usually get tended to first. Ones that are out because of trees down on private property can take longer if access is an issue. There were over 50k customers without power at the height of the outages, so yeah, it's going to take some time. Glad you all are prepared. Sorry you'll lose the food, especially with how expensive groceries are as of late.


geekpgh OP t1_jdpae88 wrote

Also just saw the other thread, I didn’t see it when I posted this, sorry for the duplicate thread.


Aggravating_Foot_528 t1_jdqdtvt wrote

the stuff that got fixed early in the night was stuff they could do at the substation -- replacing transformers, etc. that blew out there.


DJRSXS t1_jdptq4d wrote

If they can't put a guy up there due to safety, then I should be reimbursed for my time without power, since you know, I'm paying for service fees that actually exceed my usage.

That will never happen though. Fuck Duq light.


RSS24 t1_jdqgj1m wrote

If the power's been out long enough that the food in your fridge/freezer went bad, call your homeowner's insurance.

Most homeowner policies have a rider that they'll pay for food spoilage for power outages. Two (?) summers ago we were without power for 10 hours or so and had to toss out everything, right after a major stock up trip, which sucked, but sucked a lot less when we got a reimbursement check after a simple 15 minute phone call.


ForgottenZodiac t1_jdqpf7t wrote

I can’t remember the exact time but couple years ago my power went out for north of 56 hours. Don’t open your fridge or freezer when your power is out and it’ll stay cold for a shockingly long time.

After we got notice power wasn’t going to be on for a while after 12 hours we started using coolers and what not with ice.

Duquesne light won’t take responsibility for any of your food loss by the way. They will direct you to use your insurance.


Old_Consideration_31 t1_jdr2hsi wrote

You may be talking about June 2021 because our power was out for 70 hours during that time.


ForgottenZodiac t1_jds2juz wrote

I think that sounds about right I could go back and look I just remembered it being a nightmare


DeleteSystem33 t1_jdphbha wrote

We had a few power blips over the course of the afternoon, and my work's alarm company just called a few minutes ago to report a power outage in our main building (and a successful live run on our battery backup)

With any luck if you lose your fridge contents you can get compensated by the power company. Might be time for a late night ice cream party!


JuliaX1984 t1_jdpmmhq wrote

We had 4 power outages in Manchester on Saturday. Longest was 20 minutes.


enoughstreet t1_jdpk61d wrote

The wind was 45 in Irwin. The idiots where I grew up (not necessarily hometown) literally made a bingo card on stuff going on. So I don’t know if the power is off or not. But they can’t stop complaining about that and how dollar general is closed. But again from Elizabeth township to Belle Vernon I think they got 5 on 51 dollar generals
