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HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jdig2nz wrote

I think the bigger issue is he's not law enforcement nor is he a legislator, thus he has no authority to make demands. It's one thing if they treated this like a nuisance bar, which we have laws to deal with. But he's looking to sue them for not bending to his will, which is overreaching.


Excelius t1_jdj7b99 wrote

Zappala has managed to accumulate a seemingly unusual amount of power for a District Attorney.

The DAs office has been funding security cameras all around the county for years. I don't even understand how that is even a thing that a DA has a budget for.


HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jdj9a30 wrote

Well when they're negotiating plea deals left and right, and/or just cutting people loose, I guess they're saving costs on time that would've been spent in court. Then, you have to spend the money or have your budget cut next year.

Only random speculation, and slightly sarcastic


RedModsSuck t1_jdkw9ht wrote

> I think the bigger issue is he's not law enforcement

You have a serious misunderstanding of law enforcement in the state. He is the chief law enforcement officer in the county.


the_real_xuth t1_jdl1kkp wrote

This is a really twisted and non-standard usage of "law enforcement". His purpose is to prosecute crimes. No police officer is supposed to answer to him professionally. Quite the contrary, the police are supposed to be independent of the prosecutors and investigate suspected criminal cases without bias while the prosecutor is by definition in an adversarial role. The shitty thing is when police and the DA's office see themselves as partners which is where all kinds of problems crop up.


RedModsSuck t1_jdmz0lk wrote

Apparently the state and just about every DA disagrees with you. This same statement appears on the website of dozens of DAs in PA:

"The District Attorney, as the chief law enforcement officer of the county, is mandated by law to sign all bills of indictment and conduct in court all criminal and other prosecutions in the name of the Commonwealth."

The only one twisting things is you.


the_real_xuth t1_jdnklqc wrote

Yes, this is their method of PR.


RedModsSuck t1_jdsqpuz wrote

You do know that DA offices often have their own officers, right? That redneck that shot the jogger in Georgia had been one. That is why the DA tried to cover up the case.


the_real_xuth t1_jdua0rp wrote

I don't know about Georgia, but certainly not in Pennsylvania (nor Allegheny county).


omgwouldyou t1_jdl4tw5 wrote

Could you cite the law being violated when a private business doesn't implement a policy change the DA of a county recommended to them?

Do you also think that Zappalla could shutdown his local Giant Eagle because they refused to carry his favorite brand of chips after he requested they do so?


RedModsSuck t1_jdmybum wrote

I did not say that he is has the authority to make Kennywood do anything, I was just correcting the statement made by the poster.


ballsonthewall t1_jdiraig wrote

let me know when they actually do something to a nuisance bar lmfao


HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jdityn0 wrote

A North Side nuisance bar was shut down early last year, a South Side one closed late last year when their liquor license got revoked, and there's one in Westmoreland (iirc) that's just been closed down temporarily. Don't mess around with the PLCB/PSP's BLCE.

Regardless of action/inaction, my point was there are laws in place to deal with problematic places, whereas the Kennywood issue appears to be Zappala just having a tantrum because someone didn't do what he wanted. He has no legal authority to just order people around.