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[deleted] t1_jeer8pk wrote


ThatFabulousBastard t1_jeettbs wrote

Is my sexual abuse invalid because it wasn't inflicted on me by a conservative religious figure?

"your own decisions led you to get abused"

Imagine saying that to someone. Seriously.


No-Razzmatazz- t1_jeevfhj wrote

> I feel like decisions you made led to your circumstances

This is what victim blaming looks like.

E: This comment deletion brought to you by u/FuzzPunkMutt


ThatFabulousBastard t1_jeexnxk wrote

It happened to me a lot on my way out of the fandom, and from people with unconscionable vices and paraphilias behind closed doors. When I tried to expose it from within the fandom, they labeled me mentally ill on social media. The people I went to for help.

I don't hate furries. I hate what happened to me, what I got exposed to, and the parts of the furry fandom that continue to inflict on others, ESPECIALLY young LGBT people, what happened to me.

Let me put it this way, I wouldn't wish what happened to me on anyone, including the person that just blamed me for my own sexual abuse.