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pacbyeo t1_jef2f64 wrote

I'm pretty sure they are posting the same thing repeatedly because they don't feel heard. I'm sorry but I'm not about attacking SA victims. Just wanted to tell them that I heard them out.


checkpoint_hero t1_jef4up2 wrote

It's not like I've seen a single comment outright attacking them. Some downvotes and people disagreeing with points and providing sourced information and their own personal experiences.

Again, downvotes are not attacking.


LeoTheBirb t1_jefwwk2 wrote

Ugh, this user has a history. They used to troll on a furry discussion sub before getting banned for harassing the other users. This was after doing it for months.

They quite literally tracked down one of the users, somehow found an account they had on a weird porn website, and decided to post it on Reddit as a “gotcha”. I called them out for literally stalking someone and they DMd me a wall of text before blocking me.

Weirdest encounter I’ve ever had on this site.

They have a tendency to spam the same thing over and over and over.