Submitted by Buckaroo-Banana t3_123vcur in pittsburgh

Does anyone know of a vet that cares for birds in the area? I’ve got to get our pet parakeet to a vet, and can’t find one. I’ve found a few that list that they care for birds, but the vets aren’t in or only in one day a week. Anyone with birds know of anyone?



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PirinTablets13 t1_jdwnlnj wrote

West Liberty Animal Hospital sees birds.

Source: my dog nearly lost his mind when we were there one time and the parrot waiting with his owner in the lobby started talking. 🤣


Barb-the-Stranger t1_jdwohgd wrote

Bethel Park Animal Clinic and White Oak Veterinary Clinic.


Buckaroo-Banana OP t1_jdx1rax wrote

Thank you…. White Oak is closest, but doesn’t sound like their bird guy is available… I have an appt for Thursday at Bethel Park…


Barb-the-Stranger t1_jdx2jn7 wrote

If you remember to, would appreciate a report back. I have taken my rabbit to see Dr. Backus, but haven’t made an appointment for my parrot yet.


Buckaroo-Banana OP t1_jdwm6ma wrote

Thank you all so much. Back to the phone.


Buckaroo-Banana OP t1_jdx1zsm wrote

Thank you all SOOO much! This is what makes Pittsburgh so wonderful!!
I think I’ve done all I can for now… Keeping her stable and safe until the vet can see her Thursday.


bekahed979 t1_jdxffgk wrote

May I ask what's going on with her? I also have parakeets, not that I have any vet experience. They're such awesome budgie buddies :)


Buckaroo-Banana OP t1_jdxz5gx wrote

She fell off her perch and injured her cere… Bleeding was minimal, and stopped. The worry is why did she fall? This happened once before about a year ago… Scared us pretty good, then the next day she was back to normal and fine for a year… This morning after seeing her injury I watched her all day and she fell twice more… Can’t tell what caused what, but something’s wrong. She is the oldest of our group, and the sweetest, with the most personality I’ve ever seen in ANY pet… My daughter, and the rest of us too, will be heartbroken if something happens to her. Moved her to a smaller cage, (not as high) just in case she falls again. Other than that and ‘wobbling’ a little, she seems fine. Going to be a stressful couple of days until I can see someone.


bekahed979 t1_jdy17jb wrote

Oh no, I'm so very sorry, I truly hope she makes a quick and complete recovery ♥️


jemiller226 t1_jdwk7te wrote

Yeah, we take our cockatiel to Animal General in Cranberry. They have two locations that the avian vet visits. The other one is called Gardens Veterinary Hospital.


ozff t1_jdxeyzz wrote

Second this. Dr. Mark is amazing. He saved our bunny’s life!


Shag0ff t1_jdwwxew wrote

In Gibsonia is a place called paws and talons, they might be what you're looking for.


Miss_Ann_Thrope55 t1_jdx9mm9 wrote

It’s not on the list but I’m pretty sure Dr Winnie at Greenfield Vet sees birds too.

Edit: just saw on their website that they aren’t accepting new avian clients right now. Sorry. ☹️


SpecialKayla t1_jdy7m7l wrote

Dr Wagner at North Boros. Gotta email him directly, don't call North Boros.


Barb-the-Stranger t1_jdxfe6p wrote

On a related subject, anyone know any good trustworthy local bird sitters?