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theparkingchair t1_jefx5u9 wrote

Don't fall into the party scene and you'll do fine. Is that price including your dorm?


JustAAnormalDude OP t1_jeg0afl wrote

I'm going to commute


theparkingchair t1_jeg0ycp wrote

Then that's a really good price. If you work a part time job, you'll likely be able to pay that off with minimal loans.


ww_cassidy t1_jeg1ven wrote

Yeah I went to RMU and the only negative really was the price. It’s a nice school, small, just insanely expensive for what it is.


leadfoot9 t1_jegdsfq wrote

The idea of a "good school" is sort of a myth. Universities generate pieces of paper that are more or less treated as commodities in the real world. The main reason to pay more for one piece of paper over another is the networking opportunities that might come with the more expensive piece of paper, if you're into making friends with rich failsons.

As far as actual learning outcomes (which have little to do with the piece of paper), that is more about the department you study in, your class schedule, and the specific professors you have. One department might be amazing, but the next might be an incompetent circus. The idea of ranking entire universities irrespective of area of study is a scam. Single departments at relatively large universities are subject to massive changes in educational quality if even 2-3 good professors decide to retire or otherwise leave.


nadehlaaay t1_jefxddq wrote

Depends what you’re going there for. I did my freshman year there as a biology major and it was an absolute joke (not in a good way). Ended up transferring. if you’re going for business or engineering then absolutely great school.

Don’t get involved in the party/Greek life scene. There’s a lot that happened there when I went (2016) that got swept under the rug.


JustAAnormalDude OP t1_jefzw7w wrote

What about economics? That's my major


nadehlaaay t1_jeg0lia wrote

Economics is good!!! I know a couple friends who did econ there and were very successful.


thechillesthomie t1_jeg197f wrote

It’s an ok school, especially for the price you’re stating. I majored in finance there and have done better for myself than I would have expected, but at the same time, plenty of my fellow finance majors nowadays are not doing so hot.

Get good grades and try hard for any sort of internship in the first two years and you’ll be alright.


DumbLittleDog t1_jeg66rw wrote

It sort of depends on what you want to get out of your college experience. Since you’re commuting it’s pretty easy to just be in and out for classes and never be wrapped up in “school spirit” and campus life. Speaking from personal experience committing there. Academically it’s a good school.


thedudeabides412 t1_jegcnwh wrote

Just go there and take all classes that transfer elsewhere. Do well and crush it for two years. Then try to go to a good school with more name recognition.


brosacea t1_jefwj7k wrote

I have a good friend who worked there for a long time and it definitely seems like a good school. You can also get to the airport in like 5 minutes from there, so if you're doing any traveling that's pretty convenient.


chippyinairplane t1_jegzfeg wrote

That’s a great price. You should go there if you don’t have any other offers on the table.


Safe_Lab_8544 t1_jeg13nc wrote

Other than the racist team name and mascot, I’m sure it’s a fine school.


JustAAnormalDude OP t1_jeg1mog wrote

What's the name and mascot? I'm not a sports person by any means.


CARLEtheCamry t1_jegxmkw wrote

> George Washington has used "Colonials" since 1926. The Associated Press reported that a special committee looked into the name's history and delivered a report to the school president in March 2021.

> According to an online statement from George Washington University, the committee determined that supporters of "Colonials" view it as referring to "those who lived in the American colonies, especially those who fought for independence and democracy," while opponents see the term as referring to "colonizers who stole land and resources from indigenous groups, killed or exiled Native peoples and introduced slavery into the colonies."

> George Washington will keep using "Colonials" until a new name is introduced. That is expected by the 2023-24 academic year.

> "A moniker must unify our community, draw people together and serve as a source of pride," said Grace Speights, chair of the university's Board of Trustees. "We look forward to the next steps in an inclusive process to identify a moniker that fulfills this aspiration."

So they're going to change it to be on the safe side. I still think it's a bit of a stretch but if the cost is just changing the nickname I guess they think why not.