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SparkNoJoyThrw01 t1_je8m3c5 wrote

Page's really is a town icon, a place where Pittsburghers from all sides of town cross rivers to enjoy. Everyone here shares a memory of that place, and it makes me happy to see them carry the torch into the next generation

From Robinson to Monroeville, from Cranberry to Washington, we all meet for ice cream. Lol


uswforever t1_je98ltn wrote

The out of towners probably don't get how big a deal it is to get yinzers to cross a river. Lol


uswforever t1_je9sbui wrote

I've always wished it would be possible to do a Lord of the Rings parody starring Billy Gardell, Michael Keaton, Jeff Goldblum, and other famous Pittsburgh actors. The plot of the movie is they have to take a ring (It's one of Brady's so yinz know it's pure evil) up to the top of Mt Washington, and throw it in a storm drain. The ordeal is that they have to cross all three rivers, and go through two tunnels because there's construction everywhere.


PigDog4 t1_je9t54g wrote

Honestly, depending on when they shoot, they could just roll the whole thing in real time in one take and it would probably fill a full two hours.


steelcity_ t1_jeb3fpd wrote

A three-hour epic, or as we like to call it, there was an accident on the parkway.


Jef_Wheaton t1_jear8qv wrote

I have a copy of a book about a post-zombie world. Pittsburgh is one of the few surviving cities because they were protected by the rivers, making it easier to defend. It was a good concept. Too bad it was so poorly written, I couldn't get through it. (Tons of grammatical and spelling errors.)


TSOD t1_je9egvh wrote

Went to Carrick High School just up the road and the first day Page’s was opened all the kids who had cars would drive the rest of us down and we’d just hang out in the gravel lot the rest of the day. Very fond memories.