Submitted by Stealth-R-Us t3_yih6k1 in pittsburgh

My family just moved to squirrel hill, and we’re wondering what time trick-or-treaters tend to come out around here? We want to make sure we set up in time!



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ahemcee t1_iuimhyw wrote



James19991 t1_iuinsc0 wrote

I don't get why the city is doing it so obnoxiously early. A lot of people are just getting home from work or aren't even home from work at 5:00. The suburbs aren't starting until 6:00


UnsurprisingDebris t1_iuinzov wrote

Because they don't want kids out that late after the sun goes down in fear of them getting hit by cars.


MaybeADumbass t1_iuj9c98 wrote

So having them cross the street during rush hour is the solution?!?


stadulevich t1_iujgl32 wrote

Rush hour is more of a suburban thing. Rush hour doesnt really happen in the city as long as you avoid the main routes leading to the suburbs and just take local roads which is very easy to do. I dont think I have been in or around rush hour in like 5 or 6 years.


MaybeADumbass t1_iuk57w5 wrote

Rush hour most definitely is a thing in the city. I live on a somewhat busy road and can tell what time it is in the morning and the evening just from the traffic noise. The first hour of trick-or-treating had more than double the traffic the second hour did.


James19991 t1_iuio8sx wrote

But 5 on a weekday? That's still basically rush hour. I know more people these days WFH, especially on Monday, but next year Halloween will not be on a Tuesday.


UnsurprisingDebris t1_iuioikd wrote

The sun sets at 6:15. The city is prioritizing children's safety over everything else.


Puzzleheaded-Equal70 t1_iuiqrcx wrote

If this is the case though, why didn't they have trick or treat over the weekend?


UnsurprisingDebris t1_iuirfbo wrote

You know, I've put a lot of thought into it, even before this thread popped up. The city could do it on a Sunday, but I'm sure there would be a ton of pushback from football fans.

Of course that brings up Saturday, but typically the Saturday before Halloween is a big party night and people would likely have a problem with that also (more drunk drivers on Saturday evenings).

I think there is really a lot of compromise being made here. I wish a city representative could tell us why they chose the time like they did, but without further information from a representative I'm going to say it was the safest time to do it.


alwaysboopthesnoot t1_iuj3tuz wrote

Not just football fans. it’s Sunday (and while I know others do Friday or Saturday worship), in the past there was a great deal of pushback from religious groups who feel this is “Satan’s work” or that “masks are a tool of the devil”.

Seriously. Whole campaigns sprang up to end Sunday Halloween parties and celebrations of Hallowern events.

Then you have families whose kids are in clubs, travel sports. dance, voice and theater groups who miss out b/c rehearsals or meets are on whatever weekend day ends up being chosen.

We’re in the burbs and it’s always 6-8 pm on whatever day the 31st falls. No exceptions. But not everybody does it that way


[deleted] t1_iuiorb5 wrote



UnsurprisingDebris t1_iuipv9e wrote

You are entitled to your opinion, but most rush hour vehicle traffic takes place on main thoroughfares which are few and far between residential streets where most kids will trick or treating.

On top of that you have the fact that rush hour typically has heavy traffic which actually would mean that vehicles should be moving slower if anything making it more safe than if it wasn't rush hour.


James19991 t1_iuir6ra wrote

Then they should have just had it on Sunday evening then, because a lot of people who work in person aren't even going to be home or just getting home, and not ready to be on their front porch or take their kids out at that time.


UnsurprisingDebris t1_iuirlbk wrote

You can see my comment I just made to someone else proposing the same idea. I personally wouldn't oppose it happening on a Sunday evening.


James19991 t1_iuisxur wrote

Sunday evening would probably be the best for the convenience of a majority of people, and also have the least traffic of any day of the week during the evening. Even last year though, they did not start in the city until 5:30 and it went until 7:30.


jralll234 t1_iuk4ks1 wrote

Murrysville is 5-7. It’s stupid, but it actually worked this year because of the weather.


James19991 t1_iuk5ei4 wrote

I'm here in Bellevue where it's 6:00 to 8:00. When I was getting home from CVS a little after 6:00, it was absolutely packed outside. It still sounds busy from my second floor apartment.


Hefty_Woodpecker4730 t1_iujy6lr wrote

You want your kids out once it's dark on the city! It's that obnoxiously early bc of the obnoxious out of control youth


James19991 t1_iujyp5o wrote

If kids will be okay literally one block away from the city going until 8:00 in the surrounding boroughs, I think it will be okay in the city.


mjw217 t1_iuk8sgi wrote

I’m in Swissvale. It’s 6 - 8 here. I made up little bags of candy, fruit gummies, and a Rice Krispie treat (individually wrapped). I’ve got 32 bags made up, I put on my Jack-o-lantern earrings and my Halloween necklace, I even brushed my hair! It’s past 7:30 and I’ve had no trick or treaters!

I am sad


needfulsalsa t1_iujsu51 wrote

Last year no kids came on our street in sq hill. I hope they go trick-or-treating today


soggymuffinz t1_iuk8a1d wrote

Always been 6-8 pm for us here in the south hills. 5-7 is strange.


Happy_Charity_7595 t1_iujnpyd wrote

I’m in Canonsburg, PA. It is 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM here.