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DirtNapsRevenge t1_ituzxfw wrote

Except that not how it actually works. The north shore connector is a pretty good example of how it does. Federal money is frequently given to regional planners for a stated purpose and the local planners make the final decisions on how to achieve the purpose.

Most everyone who supported doing so assumed it would be used for one of the proposals on the table to extend it to Oakland or the North Hills. It wasn't until after the money was approved that locals decided the tunnel to the stadiums was the best use of the money. Technically it meet the objective, it did expand the existing system but virtually nobody who sought or supported the funding imagined it being used is such a manner.

Same for the funding of the transportation to the airport, funding was provided as part of the airport project for the purpose of increasing access to the new airport site, not a specific project, and most everyone thought that would be one of several LTR proposals that had been made. Once the airport funding was approved locals opted to build a bus way instead which technically met the criteria of the funding. When all was said and done, one crappy bus route was all that came to be and the funding for that project disappeared down the rabbit hole.

That's how it always works for new projects around here, one big shell game.


twolfe0 t1_itv2m3s wrote

Based on everything you're saying I think people like yourself or anyone else with similar knowledge should remain loud throughout this whole process. It's absolutely incredible how a lot of our states busiest roads have been ignored over the years, and to read that they had the money to do the airport light rail line and didn't do it is very disheartening. I read in the infrastructure bill that the money being dispersed has to be for quality of life it may be a test of how corrupt these decision makers can get.


DirtNapsRevenge t1_itv49bq wrote

Ahhh, but they haven't been ignored at all. What they have been is, designed, built and maintained in precisely the fashion local politicians need in order to achieve their objectives ...

Objectives which absolutely, unequivocally DO NOT including making it easier for people outside the City of Pittsburgh to get around.