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AndrewCpgh1 t1_itv4tz8 wrote

But my point is those “thoughtful” people waiting in line are actually backing up traffic and causing congestion. If you use both lanes until the exit point traffic moves faster.


guino27 t1_itvgv5u wrote

How so? If everyone merges early, then the through lane can maintain speed. If everyone merges at the last point, it will be continuous stopped traffic, with shorter lines.

I'm an engineer and this logic never made sense to me unless the backed up traffic interfered with other junctions.


AndrewCpgh1 t1_itvq1hb wrote

Why do you choose to prioritize the cars going over the highland park bridge over the cars continuing on 28. They should share the construction backlog evenly. The right lane is not a through lane to the bridge. It is part of a 2 lane infrastructure system that serves both directions.