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JustHereForTheSaul t1_itxd0ya wrote

There is a theory among some urban planners called "induced demand" which states pretty much what you're saying -- if you have a highway that has heavy traffic, and you expand it, it'll be less congested in the short term, but eventually you're going to have just as much traffic as you did before. Because people will see the decrease in congestion and move to that corridor, thus increasing traffic.

I don't know enough to know how true it is, but it makes sense logically.


BackmarkerLife t1_ity1znp wrote

That's what happened to Robinson / Moon. 20 years ago that area was desolate as hell. Then they build the shopping center where Wal-Mart is. I remember working 1 exit down 22 and several times a day they would blast dynamite and the building would shake.

I lived in Oakland and going to Robinson for work was a breeze. It was my secret place to see a movie because despite the distance it was fast to get to.

Now it's a 6-lane death trap with a bunch of drivers who think they're Warboys.