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rogerfeinstein t1_irpbryn wrote

Yeah having went from Oakmont to the Strip via the ARB I was terrified the entire time. I had to ask my dad to come get me and the bike in his truck and drive me back because I didn't want to ride back on the ARB.


PittsburghChris t1_irph94c wrote

The road on the north side of the river from the Hulton Bridge to Blawnox is wide enough (though without any protective barriers) for cyclists to share the way. But then you have to transition to Freeport Rd and everything falls apart. There is potential - Papercraft Ave to Chapel Harbor Drive to ... somehow behind the Water Treatment Plant to the Aspinwall River Trail. Then all the way downtown or catch the new bridge path across the river and up Washington Blvd to Negley Run. Someday it would be cool if the bus way would share a protected lane with the bikes. #dreaming


rogerfeinstein t1_irpi18i wrote

I just posted on this thread that I do sometimes use Freeport but it's also got it's issues.

Most of the time now we will toss the bikes into my wife's Honda Odyssey and then park it at the Washington Blvd Bike Track and then go up Negley and into town. Not ideal as we are taking up a parking space others could use and it requires the use of a car.