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Dartonion t1_iteb5z2 wrote

Recently got rid of a Horne's cardboard box my family had been using to package presents and gift things back and forth for years. Recently as in, 4 months ago. I have a pic of it somewhere I'll put up if I figure out how.


Augiehack t1_itebeuy wrote

Ahh I was debating posting this.. I'm little "young" to really remember Hornes BUT remember my Mom talking about it AND my friends Mom would give him his Christmas presents on Hornes boxes until like 2010ish.

awesome that others have this same memory


kmc1124 t1_itesp02 wrote

This tradition is still on going in my family… Hornes box and all!!!


Daywalkingvampire OP t1_ith6n79 wrote

I grew up with hornes department store. I got gifts constantly from there.