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IrrumaboMalum t1_isx8x26 wrote

And don't think living in the city makes you "safe" - I've seen the four legged cretins in my yard in Garfield when coming home from working second shift before.


CL-MotoTech t1_isxemgb wrote

I grew up in a the country and would see turkey, deer, bear, all sorts of wildlife all of the time. The biggest deer I have ever seen are in the city. They pick over gardens and well groomed yards and aren't hunted so they live long healthy lives.


GargantuanWitch t1_isxqmmd wrote

Same here. As a kid, I never managed to get closer than maybe 50 yards away from one.

Now, it's a completely different story. I could easily walk up to one and chokeslam it, if I wanted to. They don't run away.


ICKSharpshot68 t1_it1z1h7 wrote

I used to have a Great Dane, they weren't even skittish around a dog his size, we could easily get within 10-15ft of them.


GargantuanWitch t1_it2n9l1 wrote

We have chickens, and I have a video from last year where my wife and I are standing in the backyard, on a June afternoon, taking dumb pictures, and a deer walked in between us (we were standing 5 feet apart) to come sniff a chicken that was near our feet, and it tripped over another hen it didn't notice.

My wife had to literally shove the deer with two hands to get it away from the chickens, who wanted nothing to do with it.

Everyone around us has motion security lights, and they'll bed down on my back patio, right up against the house, because they don't trip the lights on. All of our adjoining backyards are connected, and if you go out at dusk you can see them all gathering underneath trees, waiting for it to get dark.


Snoo-35041 t1_isxmotx wrote

I’ve seen a heard cross the highway near the squirrel hill tunnel.

I saw someone hit a deer going southbound on McKnight near the post office. They just clipped it and kept going but it was laying on the ground trying to get up. I was going northbound and turned around. Called the police and put my flashers on, I just didn’t want someone to come along and hit it again. Poor thing, it died before the police came. Sucked to be helpless.


IrrumaboMalum t1_it0m8mi wrote

Kind of surprising it died. I've seen those critters total cars and gallop away.


ddesigns t1_isx9eb2 wrote

80% of the deer I see are in the city and I drive all over the place.


IrrumaboMalum t1_isxa80j wrote

What scares me is seeing how well they can jump first hand. I've watched them trot up to my fence and just casually hop over a fence that is almost chest height on a 6' person - me.


PolyDipsoManiac t1_isycfhe wrote

I’ve seen half of a herd wait for a break in traffic to cross a suburban road when traffic interrupted the first ones. There’s probably a strong selective pressure for smart deer that tolerate humans.


First_name_Lastname5 t1_it0tcpx wrote

I've seen a heard go over higher. it's honestly really impressive to see in my opinion at least.


oldschoolskater OP t1_isxabrg wrote

I see a lot along 88 between Castle Shannon and Finleyville.


alwaysboopthesnoot t1_iszw0qe wrote

They sleep in our yard. They move in herds sometimes, clip clopping down the street and slipping between cars. Sleeping here draws coyotes up from the ravines. We’re dodging them left and right out here in the suburbs. Went to pick up my kid’s prescription at the pharmacy drive thru last week and on the steep hillside up above and next to me were three practically within arm’s reach. I rolled up my window, jic they decided they liked my flowers in the bouquet sitting on the seat next to me and tried to fight me for it.

No joke, they ate my phlox and hostas to the ground right in front of me while I was sitting outside grilling on the patio, last spring. I yelled, I turned the hose on them, banged pots together. They just stared at me. Two neighbors on this street have collided with deer in the last few weeks. One in their driveway, another after they pulled up to a stop sign. They’re EVERYWHERE.


Shower_Handel t1_it0jlmq wrote

> No joke, they ate my phlox and hostas to the ground right in front of me while I was sitting outside grilling on the patio, last spring. I yelled, I turned the hose on them, banged pots together. They just stared at me.

Time to throw hands


alwaysboopthesnoot t1_it2urgg wrote

They bow hunt near here annually (to much consternation by many who don’t know about the diseases deer spread, or that where deer are there are bears and coyote that could eat their nasty, snapping, little ankle-biter nonstop barkers too)…

I love deer. They’re cute—-and also very tasty. But we have got to get these numbers their under control, for the health of the deer and for our own!


EllaMinnow t1_isz77w1 wrote

They just wander around the streets in Squirrel Hill when they run out of things to forage in Schenley Park (spoiler alert: they have foraged Schenley Park down to nothing already) and just like you I work second shift and see them on my street at least once a week. I'm on high alert for them but they're gonna get nailed by someone who isn't and everyone is gonna be unhappy.


Shawn9191 t1_isy5p4s wrote

Grew up in bfe central PA, never even came close to hitting one. Moved to Pittsburgh mid 20s and hit a deer the second weekend on Stanton


SendAstronomy t1_iszo0m4 wrote

I've had to chase them outta my garden in Reserve.

Sucker jumped 30 feet from the middle of the yard over the fence when I opened the door.


Mrs8123 t1_it0fup5 wrote

I saw a deer in Homewood earlier this week.


kidmuaddib3 t1_isy2unb wrote

I see em hangin out behind my house at all hours our neighborhood is lousy with the things. Someone at the game commission got all mad at my ignorance when I asked if I could just set out some apples with the fence open and wait