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sebileis t1_iucaukv wrote

Or in my case the times I’m up that way and have more occupants in the vehicle it’s outside of the HOV’s hours running in that direction anyways. Even during the height of rush hour I-279 just doesn’t get backed up enough to warrant the existence of an HOV lane.


ThorThe12th t1_iucdk8l wrote

Last year my wife and I were living by PPG and I can probably count on one hand the amount of times the HOV lane was up and running the way we wanted it to be when trying to go somewhere on 279. Like you said though it never matters as the highway never gets backed up.


sebileis t1_iucdoio wrote

And even if the highway did get backed up, the answer is to expand transit options that don’t have to sit in traffic and take more cars off the roads, not dedicate more infrastructure (e.g. HOV lanes) exclusively to automobiles.


ThorThe12th t1_iuceb0l wrote

You took the words right out of my mouth. The T for example does more to alleviate traffic on 51 and throughout the south hills than any additional lanes or highways to nowhere would.