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slayhern t1_itwl77f wrote

Apologies, that was total drug deaths. When the total opioid deaths rose from ~48k to 70k between 2019 and 2020 was that a dramatic increase? Whose fault was it specifically?


ventorun t1_itwlm9j wrote

OK, I’ll bite. Trump. Who is responsible now? The numbers are way up in 2021 and 2022 based on recent news articles.


slayhern t1_itwmwui wrote

Here’s the thing. Its multifaceted, and is as much as it was in the time period I gave you. I dont blame Trump for an increase in opioid deaths during his tenure. I also dont blame Biden. I blame a global depression/recession, a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic with lockdowns occurring during both presidencies, increased foreign manufacturing of opioid and opioid precursors in China, India, Mexico, the war on drugs, the lack of harm prevention services in rural communities, lack of affordable rehabilitation. Im sure I could go on and on.