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LostEnroute t1_itvt5b0 wrote

Yeah JG is still around for sure. Shark is doing well. I think he opened a restaurant or two outside of Pittsburgh, but in the region somewhere. Name escapes me. RIP Deli Co. Best/worst pool table in the East End.


SteelCityIrish t1_itw30ac wrote

Good to hear they are both doing well…

The Bosstones : Toxic Toast lyrics come to mind when I think back to those times.

“Looking back now, not sure how… we made it through, not all of us, but most.”

Good times for sure, but I couldn’t roll like that now.

The Deli… man, I remember the night some chick threw the cue ball @ Jerry, he ducked and JG caught it in the side of the head at the top of those steep ass stairs and almost sent it.

That kid Matt was dangerous on the table, Fulton too. Pretty sure Pompa was there before the Tav as well.

Like I said, I can still see the faces, the names… long gone.

Be Easy Friend. 😎