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kumarjivi t1_iu2zrkq wrote

I think a lot of these Florida plates are the rental cars. Registration fees being low could be the reason.


pghhotfire t1_iu3u9dg wrote

And no state income taxes. A couple people I work with who are remote have moved there for that reason but are back a lot.


SWPenn t1_iu3z1tk wrote

What they don't pay in state income tax they more than make up for in home and auto insurance.


username-1787 t1_iu5sori wrote

People are bad at pricing the total cost of living in relation to gross income. Income taxes aren't everything, and PA is a relatively low tax and low COL state relative to income levels


humpthedog t1_iu44rd2 wrote

Can confirm. I was stuck with a rental for a month and a half earlier this year and had to switch rentals after 6 of those weeks. Both Florida plates.


Lil_Phantoms_Lawyer t1_iu3xe1s wrote

If I moved to PA from Florida I would hold onto the license plate as long as possible. Much cheaper.


DIY_Creative t1_iu3zk5n wrote

This. A LOT of snowbirds do this. Had a family friend who's grandmother spent half the year in Florida and registered her car there. Then when she was here the second half of the year just drove around with Florida plates. Apparently a lot of snowbirds do this.


RapidMongrel t1_iu3zn3c wrote

After 90 days of residency you are supposed to change your plate over.


Lil_Phantoms_Lawyer t1_iu3ztat wrote

I have a coworker who moved here 5 years ago and still has his old state plates. I'm sure you're supposed to change them, but I don't think it's heavily pushed.


RapidMongrel t1_iu40fk8 wrote

I didn't for 2 years. Didn't wanna deal with inspection I keep my second car in my dad's name in Michigan and I 'lease' it from him


Lil_Phantoms_Lawyer t1_iu4l3x6 wrote

That's a clever way around it. What made you change the plate?


RapidMongrel t1_iu4lnr4 wrote

Fear of getting caught/trying to be a responsible adult. I wasn't using PA insurance as well so I was kinda riding dirty. Figured it was time to be legal. Then my check engine light came on and I questioned my decision.


ace_account456 t1_iu4l090 wrote

Those laws are very difficult to enforce. They have a problem with it in Philly. People say they're visiting from Florida/North Carolina when they really live in the city and just have a family member that lives down there who's address the car is registered to.


RapidMongrel t1_iu4lryl wrote

Yeah that's basically what I do I just drive the limits and correctly as possible when driving that car


lutzcody t1_iu4a6tu wrote

A lot of rental cars have Florida plates. My last two did.


twigman030 t1_iu3ub24 wrote

Michigan isn’t that far away. I’m more confused/surprised when I see NH or Maine plates.


EstablishmentFull797 t1_iu4ed3r wrote

I see a massive amount of Maine permanent plates on trailers and freight trucks. It must have something to do with low cost or ease of registration. Maine is to tri-axel landscaping trailers like Delaware is to corporations


Elouiseotter t1_iu44x3y wrote

Maine and NH are only about 12 hours away. It’s really not that far.


twigman030 t1_iu4588c wrote

12 hours is definitely far away. Especially compared when we’re comparing to the 6-7 hours to Michigan.


ElJamoquio t1_iu4hisu wrote

> 12 hours is definitely far away. Especially compared when we’re comparing to the 6-7 hours to Michigan.

I'd make it in under four from my home in Dearborn to my parent's house in Moon.


Elouiseotter t1_iu45vp3 wrote

I travel to Maine a few times a year and it’s not a bad drive. Sure some parts of Michigan are a shorter drive like Detroit, but if you’re coming from the upper peninsula of Michigan it actually might take longer than driving up to Maine.


twigman030 t1_iu46lal wrote

That’s not true. Traverse City MI is an 8 hour drive, just getting to the Maine border will take at minimum 11 hours.

Pittsburgh is generally closer to midwestern cities and states than up north, that is a fact.


Beeftoday t1_iu4x99k wrote

I highly suggest you google maps copper harbor mi and eat your words.


twigman030 t1_iu4xzsk wrote

Sorry you feel so strongly about something so insignificant. The vast majority of the Midwest (and Michigan specifically) is much closer than anywhere in NH/ME.


Beeftoday t1_iu4zam6 wrote

you literally just fought with someone telling them what they said was not true, and im pointing out theyre right. now youre changing your tune to the vast majority now that youre wrong.

yes, i like to point out facts. sorry that bothers you.


twigman030 t1_iu5kaso wrote

Maybe listen to yourself? So bothered for no reason. It’s not that serious.


Beeftoday t1_iu73du1 wrote

if its not that serious why are you upset i corrected you? you could just admit to being wrong instead of doubling down...


Elouiseotter t1_iu47h45 wrote

Traverse City is still lower peninsula. Either way I still don’t get why you think Maine and NH are so far away that no one would ever drive to Pittsburgh from there. You can literally do the drive in one day.


twigman030 t1_iu47wn1 wrote

Lol, Mackinaw City is upper peninsula and it’s just over 8 hours as well.

I’m not saying it’s an impossible drive, but arguing the drive from Pittsburgh —> Maine is comparable to Pittsburgh —> Michigan is just silly.


Elouiseotter t1_iu487rr wrote

It’s a hundred mile difference dude. It’s not that big of a jump. Mackinaw City is about 560 miles from Pittsburgh and Portland Maine is about 660 miles.


ElJamoquio t1_iu4hvcy wrote

'most people' driving to Michigan are driving to the Detroit area. It was 280 miles from my parent's house in Moon to my house near Detroit.

It's around 700 miles from Moon to Maine (Portland).


twigman030 t1_iu4innr wrote

Right, the difference is really obvious. We are significantly closer to Michigan than anywhere in Maine, clearly.


ElJamoquio t1_iu4tkdl wrote

Yup, for some reason there's a mental weirdness about perceived distances. I was ~50 miles closer in Detroit than I would've been had I moved to Philadelphia.


twigman030 t1_iu49fqc wrote

Ok, a difference of 3+ hours from a time perspective is not significant. Got it.


Beeftoday t1_iu4wwjk wrote

my family is in the keweenaw peninsula. It's about 14 hours with tolls no stops, and 15 without tolls no stops.

Honestly when I tell people about the UP and show them on the map, I can't tell you how many times people told me they thought that was Wisconsin. You're right to say the yoop is a far drive, i've made it a bunch of times and pretty much refuse now that im older. beautiful area, but too long a drive and nothing is available really up there. they have walmart and everything else is 2-5 hour drive otherwise.


BeMancini t1_iu4yjis wrote

Florida is collapsing, both economically and ecologically, and Western Pennsylvania is a climate haven. 🤷‍♂️


BobbyCorwen2000 t1_iu7iasx wrote

A lot of people register their vehicles with FL registration instead of PA to save money.


hybrid_throwaway_ t1_iu4f10s wrote

snowbirds. no idiotic scam "inspections" in florida to gouge you every year, so its much cheaper to keep the car registered there.


BobbyCorwen2000 t1_iu7itt0 wrote

People indeed do this to get out of inspections (that's also why you see Ohio plates here) but TBH I don't think inspections are scams. (OK I'll give you the emissions BS though) Go to Ohio and look at the shitboxes that drive on the road over there everyday or the pieces of shit that they sell used there. An old job of mine required me to occasionally travel that entire state and their cars are absolute junk there compared to PA and WV, which both require yearly inspections. I think the emissions thing is a ripoff but otherwise will never ever complain about inspections considering I've seen what people will try and get away with on the road if they're held to no standard.


Sunglassesatnight81 t1_iu667jj wrote

Snowbirds! Many live in FL in the winter (used to be more seniors now it’s many in 40s thanks to remote work). Taxes are lower there so people often make Florida their official residence


ppmiaumiau t1_iu698fz wrote

Rental cars prolly. And one of the Michigan plates is mine. I moved to Detroit a few years back. I come back to visit my parents every 3 months or so. And also to stock up on Mancini's and Turner's tea.


theherbpuffer OP t1_iu710hm wrote

Lol I love Mancinis but can't understand the love people have for Turners. I absolutely hate the stuff. If I get pre-made tea it's Milo's every time.