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Goggles_Greek t1_itw2h9g wrote

Pretty unbelievable premise, why would Oz be handing out anything in a state he doesn't live in?


marysuewashere t1_itzs4lm wrote

He has the good veggies on his cruditë, so we know it us not really him.


knittyhairwitch t1_itzwliz wrote

He also would be handing out diet supplements not actual healthy options


wookiedookiedoo t1_itwg4zd wrote

Oz should be handing out untested, non FDA approved weight loss supplements in the picture.


500percentDone t1_iu0htvx wrote

No way would he hand out vegetables. Healthy eating is bad for business!


djpdx_21 t1_itzh48t wrote

Just like when people stood inline to get a non FDA approved Covid vaccine.


wagsman t1_itznvgv wrote

That’s just lazy. Everyone knows it was EUA, then fully authorized.

Sure you’re trying to make a dog at the EUA, but his supplements didn’t even get that far.


500percentDone t1_iu0hyzr wrote

I never stood in a line. I was moved through rather quickly. Pretty good experience for both doses and both boosters. 10/10 would recommend.


djpdx_21 t1_iu1b438 wrote

Oh good. So now you can’t get or pass the virus to someone Else


lowesburritos t1_itvr9g1 wrote

A reanimated monster that can't communicate and a creature that subsists by feeding on the essence of the living. This couldn't be more accurate.


Boring-Rhubarb t1_itvumin wrote

You can read into this as deep as you want. I kinda like the witch who interacted with fetterman is happy, where as the pirate who interacted with Oz is a tad disgruntled.

Good cover though, I like it.


jangoblamba t1_itw227f wrote

I took it as a crudite reference


schnichaels t1_itzbsaa wrote

It's referencing an Oz aide saying if Fetterman ate more vegetables he wouldn't have had the stroke.


wagsman t1_itzo398 wrote

Well it’s a veggie tray in its entirety so I think it’s still a dig at his crudités gaffe.


wagsman t1_itznyj3 wrote

That’s because she got candy and he got a carrot.


KentuckYSnow t1_itxcea1 wrote

Is "interacted" a protracted way of saying trick or treated?


KentuckYSnow t1_itxmqk4 wrote

But the carrot is good for you, and the candy makes you fat and lazy.


Boring-Rhubarb t1_itxn6pw wrote

Lol I don’t think candy inherently makes you lazy and fat, but if that’s your excuse… how much candy you been eating lately my man 😂


lowesburritos t1_itvx26z wrote

Reading even further. The witch received candy. What she wants, but not what is necessarily good for her. The pirate received a carrot. Not want he wanted, but what he needs...

What does it all mean???


WhyHulud t1_itx0tqa wrote

It means Oz is an uptight vampire that can't even get the most basic social cues right


JAK3CAL t1_itw9mpu wrote

Haha I went the same. The witch got her free candy. It isn’t actually good for her, but she wanted it. The pirate got the carrot… which you can take as “working towards” a carrot, healthy, etc. it is definetly Not what he wanted but in the long run it’ll be the best for him.

Super meta 😆 probably just a cartoon.


Ancient_Boner_Forest t1_itx8t9j wrote

lol why is this downvoted.

Clearly there’s some significance to the candy and carrot. I too am curious.

Now downvote me for asking 🙄


Boring-Rhubarb t1_itxlc5d wrote

Probably a reference to this video, published by mehmet oz himself. It’s kinda highlighting out of touch this guy is with the general public, or really anyone making less than ~$150k/yr. Idk who watches that and thinks “ya know he’s right”


Ninja_420_69 t1_itwelin wrote

I am as equally surprised as not surprised by the downvotes you're getting for an accurate observation.


Boring-Rhubarb t1_itwlk7c wrote

More of an interpretation, but sure why not


BigHugeTime t1_itwnqtn wrote

Only a tad bit, the part about needing it vs wanting it is interpretation… but the part about vegetables and candy and the kids reception is not.

But it’s also a political cartoon, to brush aside something so blatant as just someone’s interpretation is either disingenuous or mind blowingly ignorant.


Boring-Rhubarb t1_itwp5bf wrote

Idk my man, political cartoons are open to interpretation, as with any form of art. Hopefully you can see past politics


JamesKLOLk t1_itwguau wrote

In the actual book, “the monster” isn’t actually the monster at all, society is the monster for perceiving him that way and he is fairly articulate. But I shouldn’t surprised that an ableist like yourself doesn’t read.


lowesburritos t1_itwp595 wrote

I prefer the Mel Brooks interpretation.

Edit: proud ableist Edit2: I meant atheist


samosamancer t1_itwr8wt wrote

Holy shit, what a horrible thing to say about a stroke survivor. Please check yourself.


lowesburritos t1_itx0t59 wrote

Don’t be such a sour puss. It’s obviously what the artist was going for.


zooline t1_itxf0t6 wrote

Yikes, there is no way this artist would take a jab at aphasia. Entirely more likely it's cos Fetterman is a big guy, Frankenstein's monster and is a good balance to a vampire .


lowesburritos t1_itxgijl wrote

It’s either intentional or tone-deaf. You choose.

He’s even drawn with cranial incisions/scarring.


zooline t1_itxgwc2 wrote

Or you're reading into it. Sounds like there are lots of options!


Avocado_Amnesia t1_itzpmu1 wrote

You mean like Frankenstein's monster? Lmao


lowesburritos t1_itzswpv wrote



Avocado_Amnesia t1_itzu2qp wrote

He has scarring on his wrist and finger too. Is that indicative of his prosthetic hand?


lowesburritos t1_itzu73o wrote

Tattoo removal scars.


Avocado_Amnesia t1_itzurs4 wrote

From all the tattoos he had on his finger, yeah.
Sorry, it was foolish of me to assume you were doing anything but trolling.


lowesburritos t1_iu008iy wrote

Maybe it represents a ring? When worn on the index finger it reflects confidence, self esteem, and leadership qualities.

Duh, of course I’m not serious. It’s a cartoon magazine cover for shits sake. Lighten up, pal.


brendannnnnn t1_itwlb9t wrote

I can't wait until one day you're disabled in some way (which will happen to all of us) and people on the internet call you a reanimated monster that can't communicate. Bizarre.

Edit: This is a crazy idea, but let’s not be ableist against someone who literally just had a stroke.


sapper11d t1_itwxmiy wrote

Let’s be very honest here, you are giving him a pass because you support him. I sincerely doubt you’d afford Trump the same courtesy.


WhyHulud t1_itx168p wrote

We're giving him a pass because he's actually done things to help people. We tend to like that, and it makes us want to let people have a mulligan now and then.


KentuckYSnow t1_itxcr3i wrote

Nothing that fetterman has done that he's spun as positive is still around.


WhyHulud t1_itxd325 wrote

>Nothing that fetterman has done that he's spun as positive is still around.

And I guess all those quack cures were such a boon. Great job, Mehmet!


KentuckYSnow t1_itxcnd7 wrote

Lol being noble and a dipshit at the same time. Pick one.


brendannnnnn t1_itxgfnk wrote

I dont think there's anything "noble" about not picking on someone who just had a stroke, but go off.


heard_chef t1_ityejoi wrote

> let’s not be ableist against someone who literally just had a stroke

5 months ago is literally just happened?


SomeoneSaysHi t1_itwozqs wrote

I didnt think too closely at first, and my glasses were off. Thought “ Neat. Looks like they are being really inclusive having a same sex couple on the magazine”

Then I put my glasses on and realized that it was a cartoony election guide.

I hope I didn’t open a can of worms for fettermam/oz fanfic.


PlsBuffStormBurst t1_itwv6pt wrote

> I hope I didn’t open a can of worms for fettermam/oz fanfic.

Thanks for the idea, AO3 here I come.


octropos t1_itxidnh wrote

AO3 is the website of my dreams.

Edit: And yes, I also thought this was a very progressive gay couple.


violetgay t1_itxqmng wrote

I did not catch who this was supposed to represent and I was like, "omg are these boyfriends fueding about what to give out to kids on Halloween? Cute!" whoopsie


sanorace t1_ityftmc wrote

You're not alone. I also thought they were a gay couple at first.


Lizard_Mage t1_itz7j5n wrote

OKAY IT WASNT JUST ME I thought this until I scrolled down and saw your comment... tbf I'm terrible with faces, so cartoonized faces are even worse


phantomtails t1_itxzsie wrote

(Not-so) fun fact: the company that publishes the Butler Eagle bought Pittsburgh City Paper in 2016. The editor of City Paper resigned last week because the Eagle refused to disclose that they were publishing the Post-Gazette while its staff was on strike, leading to a conflict of interest in their reporting.


Cryptic_Skies t1_itz8yht wrote

it's been all downhill for the CP since charlie dietch(?) left.


youtriedincomicsans t1_itwefab wrote

Where did the raw asparagus go? Is that not part of crudité?


Tnkgirl357 t1_itzh8yi wrote

Only if you dip it in salsa. Because that’s definitely a thing people do.


shrinkwrappedmummy t1_itwel7z wrote

why isn't Oz handing out his miracle diet pills. I'm sure they would help cut the lbs off these kids from snacking on sugary candy


WhyHulud t1_itx1a8e wrote

No, no, no, you have to pay for those. How else can he afford 10 houses?


bird1990 t1_itwht9k wrote

He could give them to Fetterman


Fever017 t1_itweaby wrote

Fetterstein!!!! 🔩


Steven_Snippert t1_ity1eiq wrote

If only they still had a comment section to discuss the cover.


Ok-Personality-1048 t1_itzmbqy wrote

Inaccurate. Republicans would never be so generous to other people's children. Unless there was some sort of tax incentive for themselves.


KatyPerrysBoobs2 t1_iu06bro wrote

Imagine going trick or treating and Oz opens the door. You’d have to figure out how you somehow got to New Jersey.


Der-itt2090 t1_itwv17n wrote

Instant classic. I love it!


ClammyHandedFreak t1_itx09s1 wrote

Can confirm, I care more about Halloween candy than who the next dude to embarrass me will be.


Figgy1983 t1_iu0ddgd wrote

I take it this takes place at Oz's mother in law's house.


jfk_one t1_ityu283 wrote

2 clowns for a clown world


scamden66 t1_ity392q wrote

Why didn't they give Fetterman a costume?


pittbiomed t1_itzd860 wrote

Oh I get it , city paper showing their political bias. Imagine that


mrid82 OP t1_itzlwk8 wrote

I’m not seeing that at all.


pittbiomed t1_itzrnd7 wrote

That’s sad. Clearly one is handing out candy that kids love , one is handing out stuff kids would hate to get for Halloween . It’s subtle but always some bias around anything like this


jtpro02 t1_iu07a4p wrote

Clearly, Doctor Oz is handing out the healthy snacks. That’s the whole joke. Your looking way to far into it.


pittbiomed t1_iu0j926 wrote

Lol nice try , the kids hate healthy snacks so if they were given out by the vampire I would agree with you .but they love the candy given by the monster , hence a little play on the bias of the paper.


jtpro02 t1_iu0k08n wrote

Making a lot of assumptions here but alrighty.


pittbiomed t1_iu0kv5x wrote

For sure , funny how the “good stuff” isn’t given out by everyone , just the political fav of this Reddit


jtpro02 t1_iu0l3lm wrote

Lmao, your just so into this idea that vegetables are bad so that means they are saying Oz is bad. I think you must have some super anti vegetable bias or something.


pittbiomed t1_iu0sqh8 wrote

Lol nah , you can see clearly how happy the Candy receiver is compared to the veggie receiver


jtpro02 t1_iu0t8ve wrote

Children are not mentally developed enough to understand the benefits of vegetables. You should.


pittbiomed t1_iu1kxvw wrote

But they sure do know what makes them happy in this instance and surprise, it’s candy ! And I agree kids do not know the benefits of veggies at that age .


[deleted] t1_itx1ls6 wrote



WhyHulud t1_itx6z1m wrote

I'm sure it has nothing to do with fact that even if he were brain damaged, he's still volumes more qualified than Oz


[deleted] t1_itx7ggu wrote



WhyHulud t1_itx8yua wrote

>I don't think Fetterman is a stand up person AT ALL.

You're going to go on to support a "Doctor" that spent years selling prima facie quack cures and remedies, but Fetterman isn't a stand up guy? Honestly I should just stop my reply here, with your maximum ingenuity. Complete trash person.

>that was sad and hard to watch last night. The reality is, he is not capable of this position in his current condition.

I'm sure if you watch a guy word vomit for 3 minutes, then turn to his opponent who is reading this babble from a teleprompter for a 15 second rebuttal it's going to look bad. Oz had neither substance nor merit in his answers. Oz was just talking as fast as he could to make it hard to respond. At least John sounded bad because he's recovering from a stroke, what's the excuse for Oz?

>Fetterman needs to be home recovering, not running for political office.

I agree. So Mehmet should just concede and we can have a new race for May.

>He simply cannot do the job in this state. His cognitive ability just isn't there.

If that's the case, he can re-sign after we send Mehmet packing.

>The thing is, if this happened to a Republican opponent, the left would be calling for them to step down 24/7 until they did so. Hell, they constantly were calling for mental evals on Trump to determine his suitability. But Fetterman is fine??? 🤦🏻‍♀️

John had a stroke. This is temporary. Trump takes too much Ritalin and can't control his bowels from all the cocaine. Trump literally suggested we nuke hurricanes. He still spouts about 3 lies a minute. He cries about what a loser he is. John has trouble putting words together while his brain recovers. It's not the same.


Bacon_boy86 t1_itxabuh wrote

I don't support either of them. Quit assuming any legitimate criticism of fetterman means you're voting for Oz. Jesus.

After a stroke the majority of recovery happens in the first six months. Fetterman is likely permanently brain damaged. It's crazy to me how people are acting like he is okay to be in a position of power. He can't form coherent sentences most of the time for fuck sake. And he straight up lies, like about supporting fracking. If you think Oz shouldn't run then you're fucking nuts if you think fetterman should.

The fetterman situation is one of the strongest demonstrations of tribalism on the left. You'd literally vote for a 4 year old if they ran as a D.


pittbiomed t1_itx4j6g wrote

Sounds like a bunch of birthers complaining when every candidate has to fulfill bare minimum residency requirements
