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Anotherburner42069 t1_iu1o3wp wrote

Sounds like that ticket isn't your problem since it doesn't match your plate number. (Not legal advice lol)


Eastern-Mongoose-712 t1_iu1op2m wrote

They typed in the wrong plate, and whatever they typed in didn't have a paid meter so they wrote a ticket. The plate the ticket is issued to isn't your plate, so I'm pretty sure you're safe and can ignore it. I think there's a way to look up parking tickets online if you wanna be extra sure.


IrrumaboMalum t1_iu32m3g wrote

I had a similar situation with a vanity plate. My old plate was xxxxxNA (Navy vet plate). They wrote a ticket for plate xxxxx - I ignored it. Never heard anything about it.


GuavaShaper t1_iu29wi7 wrote

Maybe somebody took the ticket off their own car and put it on OP's car? Either way, sounds like it's not your problem OP. (also not legal advice)