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MaybeADumbass t1_is1crrf wrote

I would STRONGLY recommend against seeing anyone in the AHN Neuroscience Institute at West Penn Hospital. I saw three different doctors there (Fishman, Weisman, and some guy whose name I forget) and honestly they all sucked really badly. Fishman's PA put notes in my chart about anxiety that were massively overblown, and no one I saw after that was able to look past them and see the patient actually sitting there in front of them.

Weisman is a straight up asshole who started deliberately fucking with me when I asked about MRI results. I just wanted to know what they said and whether they were normal because it wasn't clear to me. He refused to answer that and instead scrolled through them and spouted nonsense like, "Oooh, right here I can see that you drink alcohol", "Here I can see that you speak a little of a foreign language" and other bullshit like that. On a follow-up visit, I told him my symptoms had gotten worse and he replied, "That's great that they are getting better." I tried to correct him and he replied with the same, like that was the only answer he was going to accept. It was honestly surreal and I felt like I was talking to a caricature of Homer Simpson. I went home and just gave up for a while.

Months later, I decided to try again and asked to see another doctor at the practice because I didn't click with Weisman. I saw a PA (Asian lady...don't remember her name) and all she would do is read off the original notes and tell me that she could tell how anxious I was (through Zoom visit). She ordered tests and scheduled an in-person visit that I thought would actually include an exam, but instead she cornered me with the neurologist (Indian guy) who told me that he wanted to give me a drug that would, "Lower the adrenaline in my body and help to make me feel better" and then handed me a script for Zoloft. They told me they couldn't help me until after I'd taken it for a few weeks.

It turns out I have an autoimmune disorder and needed to see a rheumatologist with some pretty obvious symptoms that absolutely should not have been missed. Instead, I wasted about $2,000 and 18 months on useless visits with assholes.

Don't be like me. Don't waste your time with any doctor at the Neuroscience Institute. I'm sure there some there that are good, but there are enough bad ones that I wouldn't take the chance!


SunfishStudio OP t1_is2pou4 wrote

Wow, I'm sorry you had to go through all that!

>Fishman's PA put notes in my chart about anxiety that were massively
overblown, and no one I saw after that was able to look past them and
see the patient actually sitting there in front of them.

Yup, been there; I used to have bad health anxiety (side effect of having chronic illness as I'm sure you know, and much better now) but I stopped telling Drs about it at all because then it felt like every symtpom was "because of my anxiety". Or my period, which I haven't had since I was 12 since I've been on birth control ever since lmao.

>He refused to answer that and instead scrolled through them and spouted nonsense like, "Oooh, right here I can see that you drink alcohol", "Here I can see that you speak a little of a foreign language" and other bullshit like that.

Wtf? My doctor used to do something like that and tell me shit like "oh you have a smurf in your ear"... when I went to a pediatrician lol. That's so incredibly demeaning, what an absolute freak

>It turns out I have an autoimmune disorder and needed to see a rheumatologist with some pretty obvious symptoms that absolutely should not have been missed. Instead, I wasted about $2,000 and 18 months on useless visits with assholes.

I'm glad you at least got some help and answers in the end, but man it is such a crap shoot. It's a shame because it does look like they take my insurance but I don't feel at all like dealing with any of that. Thank for the head's up