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Excelius t1_it8jjj4 wrote

> And totally understandable on needing a background check, but I've not heard of Sandusky, you mean the town? I'm new to the area (got here 3 months back) so I don't know much about any history

It was referring to a particularly nasty incident, so I kept my comment kind of vague assuming most people would know the reference.

The law was in response to the Penn State University child sex abuse scandal about a decade ago. Jerry Sandusky was an assistant coach for the football program at Penn State and was caught molesting children, and the botched response by the university to the discovery was a huge thing.


SunfishStudio OP t1_it8z7bn wrote

Oh that's awful, I can't believe I've never heard of this before. And christ, over 15 years too.


StoshBalls_3636 t1_it9ea0v wrote

FYI - I had to get a background check to volunteer at an event at a local Catholic Church. I spoke to someone at the state and explained the sooner they could do the check, the better since I could not do anything until I was cleared by them and they very nicely obliged within 24 hours. If you ask nicely, maybe they will work with you to speed things along.