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Vast-Support-1466 t1_itft57u wrote

I'm (43m) east, near Monroeville now, but spent most of my formative time in the fox chapel area, south north hills? I miss western NY - flat land is boring until it doesn't exist, then in retrospect it was a feature. There isn't much to do in these suburbs, no matter which ones, and driving these hills is such a pain in the ass. But oddly enjoyable tho. Gas and brakes...oy. Pgh proper is not cheap.

There isn't much to do anywhere tho, outside of communities - life is the pleasure we make it. *This* is a fascinating community, and I'm happy to share some space. Pgh is hard, it's all bedroom communities, nuclear family-oriented etc. - which has it's ups, for sure. Oh, the rants I have on Community.

Terribly curious about your "bosses" and what you do. I'm mostly retired, but the work I do perform is focused on security.