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Watchyousuffer t1_itbpv8b wrote

household of two plus large gardens and 5 animals, we do $65~ a month with wilk penn


dilladog t1_itd7wsk wrote

Probably not including sewerage.


Excelius t1_itey80c wrote

Nah, it's just the fact that PWSA is a lot more expensive than a lot of the suburban systems.

My monthly combined water/sewage bill is about $50 in Monroeville.

But we also don't have century old lead pipes all over the place that need to be replaced so there's that.


Watchyousuffer t1_itdbeew wrote

that is including sewage. last bill is $29 water and sewage $38

also some more usage details: no dishwasher, older 90s washing machine. one and a half baths, toilets are 1950s or older so large tanks.