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EvetsYenoham t1_iufz4bp wrote

I guess lucky me. You truly believe it matters and it doesn’t. Either party could care less about either of us.


BonnieIndigo t1_iug0330 wrote

One of them will let me govern my own body. The other one won’t.

No way do I think the Democrats are the world’s best political organization. But they’re leaps and bounds ahead of Christofascists.


EvetsYenoham t1_iug299v wrote

As soon as you start saying shit like “christofascists” I just stop listening. And I don’t follow party politics so it’s not personal for me. You could say “libtards” and I stop listening just the same.


BonnieIndigo t1_iug2hnx wrote

I mean, you weren’t listening to start with, and you are clearly so privileged that none of this stuff that affects non-white-males matters a jot to you. Your apathy hurts everyone. But you do you. I’m sure you sleep well at night.


EvetsYenoham t1_iug3j6w wrote

You think I’m insensitive etc but I’m not. I simply don’t allow politics to guide my life and be the basis of how i judge people’s character. Why is that hard for you to understand? Why do you go about judging me? I do sleep fairly well at night.


chad4359 t1_iugks98 wrote

I stopped listening as soon as privilege was brought up, what a wild thread this is lol
