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mrkamikaze5 t1_iu1shso wrote

I LIVE DOWN THE ROAD FROM THERE!!! cash only, bartender rips cigs the whole time, no taps, they had 4 food options and one was called "entree" and they were all the same price. 10/10 I went there once, after I broke up with my ex, got blitzed on yuengling bottles and watched the pirates beat the Mets. I will never go back.


NSlocal t1_iu46524 wrote

"Fuck the cup! Pour it in my hand!"


konajinx t1_iu0lc5n wrote

Well, according to Lindsey Ninehouser via Foursquare they have “$2.75 drinks all the time”…back in 2010.


_TheHalfTruth_ t1_iu2dq4l wrote

Genes had a $1.75 22oz draft for like the entire summer/fall of 2021


danstymusic t1_iu4aocs wrote

But was does Lindsey Fourhouser say on Ninesquare?


marco1989 t1_iu0p8rs wrote

I think they only open a few days a week. I’ve been in a handful of times for steeler games. Definitely an old man dive bar


[deleted] t1_iu0u3gm wrote



bekahed979 t1_iu0vej5 wrote

SIX shots! That seems excessive to me, but what do I know?


SultanOfSwat0123 t1_iu18yqr wrote

“Deputy District Attorney Jan Necessary argued that the bartender couldn't verify any of Farnan's testimony.”

Hey, Jan is my neighbor! She just retired. Her and her husband are awesome.

What’s funny is one of my lawyer’s last names is Farnan. I texted him and asked him if he was related to this guy and he replied, “Not related to him. Never met him. After he killed someone in Bloomfield a few years ago, I was asked that question 1,000 times.” 😂😂😂clearly annoyed by it but I couldn’t help myself from asking.


PaulyPlaya24 t1_iu1th58 wrote

I guess you were in the courtroom and heard all of the evidence.


livefast_dieawesome OP t1_iu1vr72 wrote

Oh go lick some boots kid


iShoot556 t1_iu29bmq wrote

I mean the article seems like it really couldn’t have gone any other way. All someone’s gotta say is “he was going for my gun” and that’s a pass to empty your gun into someone else in this country. Man’s a patriot. A hero even!


ChillEmu137 t1_iu2eqh5 wrote

Think you’re missing a /s there fella!


iShoot556 t1_iu2f22p wrote

Deserves a parade at least. and when he dies his casket should lay in state at the capitol


gizmode28 t1_iu1sm5p wrote

My cousin was the victim


msantoni t1_iu2hma0 wrote

Sorry for your loss and apologies if this dragged up any old trauma.


Difficult-Ad-52 t1_iu27n0a wrote

The hell people downvoting this for


burritoguitar t1_iu2a10d wrote

Who cares?


yourplantdad t1_iu4omn0 wrote

Come on dude. The comment really wasn't necessary no matter what you were referring to.


burritoguitar t1_iua4s7y wrote

I think it was actually pretty critical to the discussion


MyrddinOfTheRivers t1_iu2sqd5 wrote

Dude, how about having some empathy


msantoni t1_iu2hdlu wrote

Yep, I remember that trial — the guys had apparently been drinking buddies a long time, but the ex-cop got upset after the victim poked or hit him as he nodded off at the bar. They fought, broke up for a couple of minutes, then fought again, with the second round ending in the shooting. I don’t remember whether I was there for the verdict.

pre-trial arguments

The ex-cop’s testimony

More of the trial


immargarita t1_iu2vhco wrote

Guns bring out the best in us! 🙄


Necessary-Active-987 t1_iu2xr5r wrote

Yes it was the inanimate object that made that person a piece of shit, not the binge drinking or them being a piece of shit to begin with.


CapeManiac t1_iu3xhjh wrote

Why is it so easy for pieces of shit to get guns?


cmarme t1_iu42ogj wrote

I don’t know. The inanimate object know as the internet has made many people pieces of shit.


hooch t1_iu1moxe wrote

I lived on Torley St at the time. Remember hearing the gunshots. Ah, memories.


Zealousideal-Bug1967 t1_iu0pqgb wrote

I mean, there’s not much to tell you. It’s a dive bar In what looks like a house. Frequented by Bloomfield lifers, mostly old men. Dingy, dirty, cheap drinks by todays standards.


Azious t1_iu11i3n wrote

Was this off torley avenue close to children's hospital? I used to live off torley and I never once thought of going in that place haha. Nico's recovery room is right around the corner.


Zealousideal-Bug1967 t1_iu11rnx wrote

Yes, that’s where it is. It’s still there. I went in there once, out of pure curiosity.


djb25 t1_iu45bb7 wrote

> I mean, there’s not much to tell you.

Dude you should delete this. The other comments are making you look like a jagoff.


waddersandwich t1_iu0zvk6 wrote

I used to live nearby and have been a few times. It's a cop bar/old man bar, not interesting in the slightest. They had a camera out front so that you had to show your face before they'd unlock the door. Rumor was so that it would keep out a....certain clientele. Dunno if that's still the case.


black-waters-blowed t1_iu10o3c wrote

Yeah, I tried to go there once years ago with a black friend who lived nearby and they "mysteriously" wouldn't let us in. A few weeks later my white friends got in just fine...


brisco91 t1_iu1mnk6 wrote

This happened to a friend of mine as well. Me and a friend (both white) had no issue getting in, but then my buddy and his wife walked up to a locked door shortly after.


Cryptic_Skies t1_iu2j0bl wrote

oh man the liedertoffel down on south mathilda used to be that way. i was shocked when the leadership changed; never thought those old bigots would give it up.


Far_Room23 t1_iu1d0w9 wrote

> Rumor was so that it would keep out a….certain clientele.

That sounds like a cop bar alright


touch_my_hard_disk t1_iu1t089 wrote

If they did let black people in the cops would just feel threatened and shoot them.


2cookieparties t1_iu1sm1z wrote

We went there for shits and giggles a few years ago and my husband (who is not white) had a very very uncomfortable time. He said he got the stink eye from everyone else around


mrkamikaze5 t1_iu1sjjf wrote

That is no longer true. The door is always open.


Cryptic_Skies t1_iu2j7y1 wrote

> the door is always open.

now i'm having nightmares about being trapped in full house and there is no pot and the drunk hardly ever lasts...


NSlocal t1_iu0mctw wrote

The Lorigan Street bar was similar, looked like a house, had a bar inside.


SteelCityIrish t1_iu15dfb wrote

Sounds like the Castle in Bloomfield


Cryptic_Skies t1_iu1plzg wrote

psst. lorigan street is also in bloomfield. castle is on cedarville.


rosievee t1_iu1w2i2 wrote

Are both still there? I used to live on Lorigan and I have fond fuzzy memories of both.


Cryptic_Skies t1_iu1wh6e wrote

i dont go to bars anymore but lorigan street is closed. not too sure about the castle. both buildings are still there.


SteelCityIrish t1_iu204c5 wrote

Yeah. I haven’t been back in over a decade… knew they both were in Bloomfield. Anyone remember the after hours spot in S. Oakland off McKee Place? That place was WILD!


klimlover t1_iu2fiaj wrote

Oh man, was it that basement/lower level place on the Mellinger's side of Mckee place? - between Bates and Zulema? If so, that place was something. I only went twice probably in 08 or 09. That about the same time period?


SteelCityIrish t1_iu2fuw1 wrote

Oh yeah… that’s the place. Shit was wild, like my man and I would roll in just for the scene.

You know what I’m talking about. 😏

I could swear it was opp side of Mellingers on McKee, but yeah, we’re talking about the same place.


Cryptic_Skies t1_iu2inqt wrote

oh that place. i only heard stories. my oakland days ended with the closing of the upstage.


milksteaklover_123 t1_iu30vsn wrote

Upstage? I lived in Oakland from 08-13 while in school and never heard of this


Cryptic_Skies t1_iu330r2 wrote

the upstage was a bar, a club, and a clubhouse. punks & goths and everyone in between. 80s nights were thursdays; saturday was goth night. live band karaoke one night... free pool tables, dirt cheap drinks. i was so sad when it closed. james and dave were the best bartenders ever. i still rock my upstage tshirt from time to time.

It closed in 2006 and became an ija for a spell. the deli case was were the bar once stood.


djbtips t1_iu3qxgy wrote

This was the night when I woke up on Cathy lawn cause the sprinklers turned on


Cryptic_Skies t1_iu299ef wrote

was that the punk/goth place? i was there a few times. havent thought about that spot in years.


SteelCityIrish t1_iu2albv wrote

Nah… I mean, when I used to go it was topless in the back and lines of coke on the bar.

Things may have changed though. 🤷🏻‍♂️


eisme t1_iu2hn9a wrote

I remember going into a house where they were serving drinks one time back in the early 1990s. I was hammered, but I remember going down an alley and some scary looking dude who let us in. Being inside, i don't remember seeing a single woman. I am wondering if there is any chance Lorigan Street bar or Condrin would have been around that long?


kidmuaddib3 t1_iu120co wrote

Me and my boy walked in there one time because we heard they had a pool table and before long we heard the phrase "You can see em when they smile" so chugged our beers and ran. We discussed going back to raise hell but we lived nearby and they did not seem like they'd let us get away with trouble.


EPluribusAnus t1_iu16ggi wrote

I must not be getting a reference or something.


demon_stare7 t1_iu176yw wrote

He's black.


kidmuaddib3 t1_iu1ipzr wrote

I'm not actually I think those jabronis continued their extremely racist conversation because there were only white people in the room and therefore assumed we thought it was cool


JamesKLOLk t1_iu163m0 wrote

Well if it gets shut down next week, then we know OP is a cop.


livefast_dieawesome OP t1_iu17o3a wrote

OP is most definitely not a cop. 🤣

honestly if a cop can get acquitted for shooting a "friend" six times at this place during a bar fight (see links up-thread), even if I were a cop, this place apparently wouldn't have anything to worry about


steelcityrocker t1_iu22q89 wrote

>OP is most definitely not a cop. 🤣

Exactly the type of thing a cop would say


Old_Science4946 t1_iu1w73s wrote

now THIS is the kind of content i’m in this subreddit for


blackstarhero666 t1_iu0k59s wrote

Not sure of this one but there's another down in the run close to Greenfield in a house called zanos.


Seanile1 t1_iu14mvh wrote

I think I’ve been there. Blotto. Maybe of just of been in a dudes house with an Iron City and a Steelers neon signs. Hard to tell the difference.


tremere77 t1_iu15w4z wrote

Very different. Still divey but great wings and way more of a normal bar ..


PresMarkle t1_iu2hmqz wrote

I agree, went here a few times when I lived in the area. Bigger than it looks from the outside too.


DannyLameJokes t1_iu2wgbi wrote

Win Green was more legitimate. Went there a few times and everyone there was plenty friendly.

Win Green > Houghs


pittbrewing t1_iu1do5u wrote

Zanos > big jims


blackstarhero666 t1_iu1e5s0 wrote

No opinion cus I haven't been to zanos yet 🥲. I just know it's there. Plus... Big Jim's is where my grandma took me on nights she didn't wanna cook


MDCLXX t1_iu1lj9p wrote

I’ve been there a handful of times in the last decade, and every time I’ve left with a weird, uncomfortable, or crazy story. Some of my friends go regularly and they seem to like it. Your mileage may vary, I suppose.


thinkfastandgo t1_iu2k75e wrote

Please share your weird, uncomfortable, and/or crazy stories! I’m here for it!!


livefast_dieawesome OP t1_iu3iimy wrote

Share some stories! That’s half the reason I posted this thread


MDCLXX t1_iu430in wrote

There’s two that immediately come to mind. One time the bartender was trying to get me and my friend to invite other friends to the bar. Something about wanting some new blood in the bar. Which seemed harmless at first, but then he repeatedly kept offering to order food for us, to the point of being pushy, which is just fucking weird. Another time I watched two old men do lines of coke right off of the bar, and then get offended at people watching.


StevInPitt t1_iu4a5rg wrote

I thought you were gonna tell us weird or crazy stories.
Anyone who went to Chiefs in the day wouldn't have batted an eye.


MDCLXX t1_iu4d4lr wrote

I guess crazy is subjective? The place is basically a drug den for old dudes, I dunno.


StevInPitt t1_iu4xhdr wrote

i was just poking fun a little.
That's definitely not a normal "local bar interaction"
No lies tho, one night in the 90s in Chiefs, as we hung out, a guy walked, looking disheveled as fuck, obvious blood spattered here and there on him, and looking like he had been in a fight.
walked up to the bar, People made room, he ordered a beer and downed it.
then the news came on with an interruption about an attempted homicide in Oakland and the suspect being at large, as he was drinking his second beer.

He just shrugged, downed the rest of his beer, slapped down a 20 and said:
"I guess I better get moving." and walked out.


MDCLXX t1_iu4z51s wrote

Holy shit. That’s incredible, hahaha.


Gladhands t1_iu1blk7 wrote

Looks like the sort of place where the N-word flies freely.


RequiemStorm t1_iu3660g wrote

It quite literally is. I'm definitely never going back


Stasibasiphobic t1_iu1hu2x wrote

I've only been once, maybe five years ago? It was their christmas party and they invited my wife and I in to hang out and eat whatever. They also took time to explain all the photos on the wall for us. Pretty cool overall. No taps, just canned and bottled beer.


benny86 t1_iu1y2oi wrote

I went in there a couple times when I lived in Bloomfield like 15 years ago. Only bar I've ever been to with a screen door. Beer was cheap and I think for food I got like a microwaved Red Baron pizza or something. Didn't really feel welcome there even though I hung out at all the bars in the neighborhood. I went back to Pollack's.


lyssssuh t1_iu2d41p wrote

Correct me if I’m wrong but I heard it was a low key known white supremacist bar..?

Edit: After reading through the replies it appears it is not really low key…


LockedOutOfElfland t1_iu56i7x wrote

Thanks for the heads-up, will not give them my business.

There are other dive bars in the area if you want a cheap, trashy vibe without supporting that kind of crap.


lyssssuh t1_iu5bdgz wrote

Yes! Nikos Recovery Room just down the street is a solid spot I would recommend.


LockedOutOfElfland t1_iu5bv6m wrote

The people in charge of Nico's come across as a lot more trustworthy than you'd expect from walking into your typical hyper-local corner bar with glass block tiles and dim lights. Their trivia nights are solid, and it's also a great brunch spot!


-Motor- t1_iu0pm40 wrote

Basement bars aren't uncommon. They just can't have direct access (inside stairs) to the living space.


citsonga_cixelsyd t1_iu1am97 wrote

The bar is on the first floor. The 2nd floor is an apartment with a separate entrance


ThePolishSensation t1_iu2qorp wrote

Waaay back in 2013, I was one of their beer reps. Owner was super nice, and it was the only keg of Natty I ever sold to a bar.


dormontster t1_iu1zq62 wrote

I lived in Friendship for 6 months in 2016 and never knew the Condrin was there until I happened to pass it one night when the door was open and looking in where you would expect to see a house there was a bar. It’s a novel thing to someone who has never lived in a city as old and densely developed as Pittsburgh. When a buddy of mine visited a couple of years later and we were bar hopping we stopped in. It seemed like we were the only two people in the bar that didn’t know everyone else there. We were not treated poorly though it felt like we stood out for being two pretty average dudes in their early 40s. At any rate, we had a couple of domestic bottles and hung out until a younger patron put Kid Rock on the jukebox. On the inside it felt pretty much like a standard tavern with lower than average ceilings.


matt_1060 t1_iu0l6fq wrote

Torley and friendship right? Edit: there used to be some great parties at the second floor apartment back in the day when Maggio’s what on Liberty


SolderBoyWeldEm t1_iu1czmg wrote

I went to Condrin's on St. Patty's day a while back (great time, they have a giant free Irish buffet), and only had a drink or two bc I was already pretty tipsy, but spent $40 on the quarter pusher game. I still call it the most expensive bar in town.


pittbiomed t1_iu0sebc wrote

I lived next door to the right for 2 years in the early 90s . Crazy bar, .25 cent drafts , lots of locals . Other than puke over the sidewalk it was quiet til that guy killed his buddy in there a few years ago


rambored89 t1_iu1oahv wrote

We call that the hole. I've only been in there once or twice, but from what I gathered most of its clientele live on Torley Street


Aggravating_Rub2898 t1_iu2bynd wrote

I lived a block from here, tried to go in once and basically felt like I had entered the downstairs basement bar of some old yinzers who didn’t understand how I had gotten in.

Guy basically didn’t serve me, just talked to the regulars while I sat at the bar waiting.


jmarinara t1_iu46h5x wrote

True or false, Bloomfield is the most old school yinzer neighborhood in the entire city.


LockedOutOfElfland t1_iu56u3y wrote

Bloomfield is kind of like the baby in that story about King Solomon where two people are arguing over whose baby it is - on one end you've got the old school "yinzers", and on the other you've got younger transplants who are gradually hoping to reshape the Bloomfield/Friendship/Garfield nexus to be more contemporary in attitude.


Pittsnogled t1_iu0zxgf wrote

2 ways in but only 1 way out


SystemOfADowneyJr t1_iu1dlt0 wrote

This place looks familiar. Didn’t this place always throw Halloween parties?


Lovelostt t1_iu1h24k wrote

No, that’s in friendship/Bloomfield. Not even sure if they still have them? I went a few times back in the day. One year they had a roller coaster in the back yard.


Cryptic_Skies t1_iu1q26g wrote

> rollercoaster in the backyard

Youre thinking of evaline street.


nnp1989 t1_iu1qgl2 wrote

This reminds me of Snake & Jake’s in New Orleans.


fcv215 t1_iu2ef7x wrote

I got stories about this place. Shawn was a friend and only went in there a couple times. 50 years ago I was hanging with the older guys and they decided they were taking me to the for my first drink at the hole. The bartender/owner said I can’t serve him he’s only 16…..I was 14. My friends locked the door and said either you serve him or we will. I had like 4-5 shots and apparently the took me to my house and threw me out on front lawn throwing up. My mother wasn’t happy. I know owner now nice guy….it’s paradoxical when I tell you everything I read sounds truthful 😂😂


miubu t1_iu2na97 wrote

The best place ever. Like jumping into the 80s knees down. Look.s like a private house. Legend wants it being a hole next to a garage. While your car was being fixed you got a beer. Two. Three.


RiffRockFan t1_iu2ofso wrote

I kind of want to go there

Edit after some more reviews that’s a no


Pittsnogled t1_iu101xc wrote

2 ways in but only 1 way out


gallanttalent t1_iu1s8oi wrote

My sister and I ended up at a place that looks like this like a decade or so ago. Does it have a painting of a a dude that looks like Christopher Walken with a gun aimed? It’s the only solid memory we have the inside of wherever we were and have been trying to figure it out for years. The outside was exactly like this from our hazy memory.


scootertrash t1_iu1voc3 wrote

Reminds me of the Backdoor in Falston in Beaver County.


MeanderAndReturn t1_iu1xo2x wrote

hey i used to go there like 10 years ago! it's a hole in the wall. not much else to it.


gilsilvai t1_iu1zb3q wrote

A dying breed of bars. There was a time where every bar in pittsburgh was like that....I can't say I miss it.


Sensitive-Treacle-99 t1_iu2281d wrote

This reminds me of Just jaks if anyone has heard of that place


HornlessUnicorn t1_iu28jaw wrote

I lived around the block, always saw folks there but never went in. It’s spooky!


NerdHerdtheThird t1_iu2mm1e wrote

I’ve been there once. I can confirm it’s dope and will never go back. 10/10


milksteaklover_123 t1_iu311y5 wrote

I’ve been once or twice. Lived around the corner for a few years and was absolutely shit housed when I stumbled in. I believe it’s bottles and liquor. Smoking is definitely allowed


Lovelostt t1_iu1i6o3 wrote

Wasn’t this called the Castle? They used to have after hours bar and shit got… interesting.
