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Ok_Yard_4646 t1_iug85dg wrote

I drive for work too, like 9hrs a day in my truck. It seems to fluctuate daily; like there are some days that are way worse, and others are pretty typical. However everyone seems to be more aggressive than they used to be. I think its just everything going on right now making people crazy.

You pretty much just have to be ready to swerve, brake, or weave at a moments notice. Even more so on a bike.


theherbpuffer OP t1_iugqmz4 wrote

I know what you mean but the worse days have become more frequent in my experience..

There's a reason I only bike and hike on the trails.


CARLEtheCamry t1_iuht8xh wrote

I had to take the Parkway from the Airport area to the North Side last night around 7 last night. It got to "I have to get off the phone with the person I'm talking with because people are nuts right now" levels which hasn't happened in a while (I do this drive almost every Sunday).

I chalked it up to the Steelers losing and low-T men being angry.

Had a fun time in the dark trying to merge on the Ft. Pitt with 3 different people with their lights off, at night. Was tempted to make a post to /r/pittsburgh "PSA : It's getting dark out earlier, remember to turn on your headlights at night" like the "clear off the snow, watch out for deer" posts.


[deleted] t1_iuh9vod wrote



twigman030 t1_iuhfd50 wrote

“It sucks this city is so fucking hostile to people on bikes.”

I bike on a daily basis in the city and the vast majority of drivers are respectful to bikers. I have never experienced anyone beeping or anything. In fact, Pittsburghers in general are actually pretty well accustomed to bikers on the road compared to other places. They are used to them.


[deleted] t1_iuhg0l1 wrote



twigman030 t1_iuhsizb wrote

I’ve been biking for over a decade through the East End, Northside, downtown and more. I have never had any experience close to what you mentioned. In fact, many times drivers will wave me to “go” when I’m not turning or anything. Interesting how we’ve had such opposite experiences.

I’ve also lived more north (MA, NH) and find it much worse up there, so maybe that contributes as well, not sure. I feel super comfortable biking here.


leadfoot9 t1_iuhmfym wrote

True, but that's like saying that vast majority of people in a rough neighborhood have never committed murder. It only takes a few wackos to make a place dangerous.

It follows that a person's experience cycling can probably vary wildly depending on the routes they use and whom they share their commute with.


Mrvonblogger t1_iuhhh25 wrote

There was a motorcyclist with a passenger hit by a vehicle outside the enterprise rent a car yesterday evening on library road. The road is straight there how does that even happen?


thomas723 t1_iuhjpa0 wrote

"so fucking hostile to people on bikes" wha???


twigman030 t1_iuhsa8f wrote

I agree, there might be an occasional bad egg but very far from “so fucking hostile” hahah