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LL_is_a_Cool_J t1_iu25gdw wrote

Look at the signage and such above the food prep area, take a look at the tops of the cooking machines, at the smoke alarms in the stores. You're very likely to see dust rabbits, not little bunnies but full on dust rabbits clinging to the signs above where the food is made and around the edges of the floors at the walls.

Maybe it's just the few I go into that are shitty.


IrrumaboMalum t1_iu2iqt0 wrote

The only one in Indiana I've been to regularly (or semi-regularly) is the one on 119, I think, since it's close to my dad and stepmom's camp.

The ones I go to most often are Babcock, Monroeville (closest to 376, rarely do I go to the one past the mall) and on Route 8. Those ones usually seem pretty decent. I used to go to the one in Cranberry a lot, but since I left the shop I was working at there to do my current expat assignment I haven't been there much aside from stopping there on my way to the range at the game lands when I'm on vacation.