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InfamousLegato t1_iua74ut wrote

The law matters. It's also about protecting the privacy of their family.

I understand your outrage that situations like this are happening in the city but don't let it tempt you into tearing down the framework for a fair and lawful society so you can get a quick fix.


No-Lifeguard-8173 t1_iuaae1u wrote

> The law matters.

What law exactly? There is no law that prevents a newspaper from reporting a minors identity.

E: I challenge all the uninformed downvoters to cite the law that prevents reporting on a minor. It does not exist.


InfamousLegato t1_iuabrbp wrote

I'm almost certain you're wrong about that lol


He's right. I finally looked into it a few days later.

There is no law that prohibits the news from naming or using photos of minors suspected of crime.


No-Lifeguard-8173 t1_iuao3t2 wrote

I’m not. Minors don’t have a legal right to privacy.


chad4359 t1_iuc2vc1 wrote

Minors are routinely not identified in news reports


No-Lifeguard-8173 t1_iudhdqp wrote

That's not because of a law though. Legally a news report can print a minors name all they want.